Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti visited the Gynecology Clinic: “Life is born here, even the briefest moments become decisive”

March 8, 2024

Prishtina, 8 March, 2024

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, accompanied by the Minister of Health, Arben Vitia, during the day visited the University Clinical Center of Kosovo, namely the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic, who were welcomed by the Director of HCSUK, Elvir Azizi, the Director of UCCK, Osman Hajdaraj, Director of Gynecology, Zef Ndrejaj and the health staff of this clinic.

Prime Minister Kurti made his visit to the Gynecology Clinic to see closely the renovation works in four wards of this Clinic that cover a total of 13 wards that this clinic has. These renovations covering an area of 5000m2, include corridors, rooms, and beds.

Within this renovation project, the digitization of the entrance part of the Clinic, i.e. the reception, is included, which will facilitate the work of the staff and minimize the long waits of patients to receive services.

Silent living heroes, that’s what Prime Minister Kurti called the white-robed men to whom he expressed deep thanks and gratitude for their commitment, contribution, work and unstoppable dedication. “Let’s use this visit to return a small part of the immeasurable debt that is, in principle, irreversible”, concluded the Prime Minister.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Health, Arben Vitia, said that just as we had agreed that Gynecology should be a priority of this government for investments and the improvement of conditions for our women and girls, I am happy that we are almost at the end of the work that we have discussed, and from the beginning they seemed impossible to us.

“I am happy that after these renovations, your conditions and your potential to provide the best services for our patients will be at another level”, he said, thanking the director of HCSUK and that of UCCK- for the extraordinary cooperation and coordination in achieving this objective.

On this occasion, the Director of Gynecology, Dr. Zef Ndrejaj, said that in this project that is being implemented, 3 new services will be introduced after the renovations that are being done in the Gynecology Clinic, these services include the Fertilization of Medical Assisted, which is expected to be operational very soon as the equipment is already in tender, Fetal Medicine, Amnoicentesis Service, where the latter means the identification of anomalies in children in the mother’s womb from the first months of formation. He added that these services will be provided for the first time in the Republic of Kosovo, at UCCK, namely at the Gynecological Clinic.

The Prime Minister, accompanied by Minister Vitia, the Director of the SCUK, Elvir Azizi, the Director of the UCCK, Osman Hajdaraj and the Director of Gynecology, Zef Ndrejaj, held a meeting with the staff of this clinic, who expressed thanks and gratitude for the support comes from the Government through the creation and improvement of working conditions, which for them also means higher encouragement and commitment in providing better quality services to patients.

Prime Minister Kurti’s statement:

Thank you very much Dr. Zef,
Thank you all for this warm hospitality,

Let me first wish all the ladies March 8 – International Women’s Day, because there has been a long battle which is still not finished for gender equality which is at the core of social equality. And I believe that we must witness this every day, not only on March 8, but on March 8 we remember those women who throughout the decades, not only of this century, but also of the past and earlier, have contributed and sacrificed in a way to be equal at work and in life.

I congratulate Dr. Zefi, I thank Dr. Leandrit for accompanying me and Minister Arbeni, the two directors of HCSUK and UCCK, as we walked around the corridors and these rooms that are being renovated in four wards in total, for example the Ward for women after natural birth; Deliveries after cesarean section, but also the entrance to the clinic here, that is, with the reception clinic and the Specialist Clinic. A total of about 2.5 million euros, in which case we should not forget the air conditioning and central ventilation, which is of special importance and the digitalization of services that increases the quality of the service, but also the transparency of the processes and the accountability of the people who are responsible.

I was particularly happy when I found out that there will no longer be rooms with 6 to 9 beds, but a maximum of 2 beds, this is very important for the success of the service provided by the staff, and also for the conditions in which the patient is treated.

These 3 new services are also good news, Medically Assisted Fertilization, as well as Fetal Medicine and Amniocentesis, which will undoubtedly increase the rating of UCCK, in general and the Gynecology Clinic in particular. But, at the same time, in parallel, as we also know from the policy, the expectations of the patients will increase, that is, when you tell the patients that you provide more services and have raised the quality of the services, their expectations will automatically rise, so you must that together we can meet those expectations as best as possible, easily and quickly.

Thank you at the end for what is most important for the contribution, the dedication, the work, the commitment that you make not only every day and every hour, but maybe for every minute and every second, because life is born here and the very short moments become decisive.

Therefore, you are silent, living heroes of work who will never get the public recognition they deserve, but let’s use this visit to repay them a small part of the immeasurable debt that is, in principle, irreversible.

I congratulate you once again and wish you success in the future.


Last modified: March 12, 2024

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