Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti’s address at the festive meeting of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo for the 16th anniversary of Independence

February 17, 2024

Pristina, February 17, 2024

Honorable Deputy Prime Ministers, Ministers and Deputy Ministers, 

Dear media representatives,

Honorable citizens,

The Republic of Kosovo, our state, is celebrating its sixteenth anniversary today.

This year we mark two significant anniversaries, the 26th anniversary of the epic of the Kosovo Liberation Army and the 25th anniversary of our liberation from the occupation of Serbia. Anniversaries like these offer good opportunities for retrospective reflections, which we often may not have time to make during other days of the year, when we are too busy dealing with daily emergencies that we must confront.

Where have we come from? Where are we? And where are we heading to? These are the questions we ask on these occasions, each one separately but also collectively. Our responses to these questions are not necessarily in agreement with each other. Indeed, this would not have been a good sign for a free and democratic society.

So, what I will offer onwards should be seen as the responses of one of you, even though today I am dressed in the cloak of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, respectively of your Chief Servant.

We have emerged from a liberation battle with an anti-colonial character that has its roots in the Albanian National Renaissance. The origin of our Republic lies in the liberation war and the centuries-old resistance movements of our people for freedom. As long as the Republic of Kosovo is an example of human resilience and civic freedoms, it will honor the heritage of the National Renaissance, as a liberating movement that fought not only for the freedom of Albanians, but also for all others who coexisted and coexist with Albanians.

We survived the last genocide of the 20th century. After the devastating war of 1998-99 we rebuilt our homes. With the support of our international partners and allies, we built our common home, the Republic of Kosovo. A true parliamentary Republic, with justice and equality for its citizens, contributing to peace and guaranteeing peace. A state that has democratic values, respect for human rights of all minorities, and social justice and solidarity at the core of every political and social course.

A quarter century after the war, our Republic stands strong. We stand proud, because despite the challenges, our country is developing. Based on the political will of its people, Kosovo is an independent and sovereign, democratic, and indivisible state. As on the day it was announced, sixteen years ago, today also, as well as every day thereafter, the Republic of Kosovo was, is and will continue to be the home of all its citizens without distinction.

Therefore, today we celebrate, congratulate and wish well, not only Albanians, but also the the non-majority communities in our Republic, the Serbs, Bosnians, Turks, Roma, Ashkali, Egyptians, Gorans, but also Montenegrins, Croats, and others.

So, congratulations to everyone on the independence of the Republic of Kosovo, our common home.

In relation to where we are today, the answer comes from the positive results, be they our internal reforms, the rule of law and economic and social progress, or the success of visa liberalization. These confirm that Kosovo is taking the right steps on the right path towards its European future.

I would say that the Euro-Atlantic integrations are because they need to be our polar star, on the way where we are going. For equality among the peoples of our region and continent, for peace within and among states, for sustainable security for all and inclusive progress for each and every one. Our vision is clear: we align ourselves with peaceful and democratic nations that embody freedom, unity, and solidarity. This is the reason why we have applied for membership in the Council of Europe and in the European Union.

Dear Government Cabinet,

Today is a holiday, but every other day we must work for our common ideals and goals, and our joint program, preserving the memory between  generations and cultivating historical and institutional continuity. Let’s commit and devote ourselves daily, drawing examples and strength from our forebears, those who worked and sacrificed much for freedom, for good days like this, and being inspired by the new generations of freedom.

Honorable citizens,

As we celebrate the birthday of our country, we are also commemorating each human life given, the blood shed, the efforts and self-denial for the common good of this country, for the preservation of life and for a good existence for all. Remembrance is reciprocal, because with our youth and our population we move forward, but at the same time, by remembering the activity of those who were before us, we remind ourselves in our collective memory of the path of this act that must be maintained and the path that should never be given up. Their glory is eternal and our memory of them is indelible.

We are grateful to all those who have contributed to our liberation struggle and our independence process. Special gratitude to our international partners and allies on our joint journey of consolidating the state and international subjectivity of our Republic. We are always and forever grateful.

With the joy of this day full of sun and light, with hope in hearts for an even brighter future: Happy Independence Day of Kosovo!

May the Republic stay strong! We can manage!

Thank you.


Last modified: February 17, 2024

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