Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti’s address at the 188th meeting of the Government

February 14, 2024

Prishtina, 14 February, 2024

Dear Deputy Prime Ministers, Ministers and Deputy Ministers,
Dear citizens of the Republic,

The 188th meeting of the Government coincides exactly with the date that marks the third anniversary of our historic victory in the 2021 elections; the third anniversary of the great democratic, political and social change.

February 14th is not only the anniversary of an electoral victory. February 14 is the moment of the biggest political and democratic upheaval in post-war Kosovo. It is the electoral revolution, where good governance prevailed over corruption, justice over discrimination and common and public interest over personal and private interest. For these three years, we proved that it is possible to govern in accordance with the will of the people, with clean hands, preserving and protecting the country, constitutionality and legality, and peace and security.

During these three years, our country has been a true example of the courage and determination of the people and its government, in the face of great challenges, which came and went one after the other.
In the battle with the pandemic, we provided vaccines for a very short time. Faced with the economic and energy consequences of the pandemic and Russia’s military aggression in Ukraine, we prepared the support package for citizens and businesses. The World Bank estimated that Kosovo had the largest fiscal package in the region, which directly helped citizens, families and businesses in the face of the global energy and cost of living challenges reflected in us as well.

They have tried to delay our reform in the economy and justice, challenging our initiatives in the Constitutional Court, but the reforms will be made and are being made. Economic development is happening and will continue.

With honest work, we raised tax revenues, raised production, exports and foreign investments to figures never seen before. In the last three years, our economy has recorded continuous growth: with an annual average of 6.2 percent of the gross domestic product. Foreign direct investment and exports have doubled, and there has been a two-thirds increase in tax revenues without substantial changes in fiscal policy.
After we stopped the financial bleeding, with our governmental measures, we have redistributed both the economic growth and the increase in state revenues to the citizens. We made higher education free, as we had promised. We started with allowances for expectant mothers and children, as we had promised. We created the platform and supported youth employment, as we promised. We fought crime and corruption, as we had promised. We destroyed criminal gangs in the country, including drug and cryptocurrency gangs.

Day by day, legality is being extended to every corner of the Republic of Kosovo, as we had promised.
Dear citizens,

The government in these three years has invested more than all previous governments put together in the Kosovo Security Forces, making the KSF a serious force in the protection of peace and security in our country. While in the years 2018-2020 3.6 million euros were invested in equipment, since the beginning of our government, we have invested 239 million euros in new, state-of-the-art equipment.

We returned the customs terminals to the state, as we had promised, and turned public enterprises into profitable enterprises through ongoing Government investments. For young people, in addition to scholarships, various trainings, grants, we also applied the successful employment platform Superpuna, where we have already expanded the opportunities for employment of young people between the ages of 18 and 29. For 11 months, Superpuna has mediated the employment of 9,400 young women and men.

Support for new and small businesses, farmers and non-governmental organizations, as well as the employment of non-majority communities, has never had the government’s focus and benefit to citizens as it has in these three years. Kosovo belongs to everyone, and everyone should contribute to it. The rule of law and the distribution of welfare unite us, regardless of ethnicity.

For the connection of education with the labor market, we started the implementation of dual education already in 21 schools, in 14 municipalities, all over Kosovo, in a total of 12 profiles so far. Meanwhile, we made higher education free. We supported local production, agriculture and farming in particular like never before. We renovated the health facilities, shortened the waiting lists, and at the same time significantly reduced the number of cases for treatment abroad in the health sector. We advanced the foreign policy. Visa liberalization was implemented this year. We did it, even though we didn’t promise it. Spain recognized our passports, the United Arab Emirates and Israel removed visas for our citizens.

The manifesto and the organization of the 2030 Mediterranean Games, along with many works in the construction of sports grounds and in the restoration of our cultural heritage, mark important work in the sphere of culture and sports.

Dear citizens,

February 14 is the will of this people to build its future among the peoples of other equal, developed, democratic, and strong states. The Kosovo of February 14, today after 3 years, is a stronger, more stable, safer and better Republic to live in.

In the Republic of Kosovo, February 14 is not only the day of love for loved ones, but also the day of love and devotion to our Republic. For Kosovo, February 14 is the day of love for values and common interest.

Happy 14 February, and thank you!

Last modified: February 16, 2024

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