Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti in Zurich, participated in the opening ceremony of the furniture salon produced in Kosovo

January 16, 2024

Zurich, 16 January, 2024

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, and last night participated in the opening ceremony of the salon of furniture and wood products produced in Kosovo, of the companies Mobile Dekor, Shehu L.L.C and AMW Interior, businesses from our diaspora in Switzerland.

In his speech, Prime Minister Kurti said that this is clear evidence of the potential of the qualities that come from our products, and a window to world markets for “Made in Kosovo” furniture.

“We in Kosovo have made extraordinary progress in democracy and the rule of law in the last three years, and this has undoubtedly inspired a rapid development of the private sector as well. With a ranking by Freedom House as the third country in the world for progress in democracy, and adding the best results in our country since we were liberated, we have proven our commitment which consists in combining economic development with democratic progress added the prime minister.

He emphasized that even through the fight against corruption, we have helped to create a fairer and more equal society that has brought economic growth, especially an increase in exports and foreign investments. “It is strong evidence that democracy and the rule of law are key to economic prosperity. Thus, for less than three years, the Republic of Kosovo has more exports than for more than 6 years of the previous period. This shows how dynamic the private sector is in Kosovo”, said the Prime Minister.

Our companies not only produce quality goods, but they are also able to stay in international markets, and this brings economic growth, creates jobs, but also improves the image and reputation of our country in the world.

In this journey to success in international markets, it is essential that our companies have access to the right resources, and this showroom here in Zurich is just the beginning. It represents not only our products, but also the entrepreneurial spirit and tireless work of our people.

“Together, with these and our companies and many, many others, with the support of the government, and with our partnership with organizations like USAID, we can build a brighter future for Kosovo within the country and on the international stage” concluded the prime minister.


Last modified: January 16, 2024

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