Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti and Minister Rizvanolli visited Telecom of Kosovo

December 29, 2023

Prishtina, 29 December, 2023

On the eve of the end of 2023, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, accompanied by the Minister of Economy, Artane Rzivanolli, today visited the Public Enterprise “Telecom of Kosovo” for the end of the year. In this visit, they were received by the Chief Executive Officer, Burbuqe Hana, together with the senior management of Telekom and other board members.

After the visit and the meeting with the CEO and senior management and the Board, Prime Minister Kurti said that the Government of the Republic of Kosovo has disbursed a loan of 20 million euros to Telekom, where large investments were then made in the core technology of mobile telephony with follow-up equipment such as and with additional BTS Antennas, especially in the region of Ferizaj and Gjilan.
“It is inspiring to see how a public company with losses and no investments for almost a decade, today Telekom invests in mobile phone services (Vala) and fixed ones (internet and TV)”, said the Prime Minister.

He emphasized that Telekom i Kosova has marked a significant improvement in its services, with the expansion of coverage with mobile services both on road axes and in settlements. Also, landline services have been extended to important areas such as police stations and public enterprises. In the first months of 2024, it is expected to see substantial changes in the area of Mitrovica.

During his speech, Prime Minister Kurti singled out the two biggest development projects of Telecom of Kosovo which started in 2023 and as such include the complete modernization of the mobile network and full coverage with 4G+ and 5G technology, through which after the next 6 months will have full coverage with 4G+ and then immediately continue with 5G.

He also spoke about the expansion of the optical cable network throughout the country, which will be completed by 2025.

In the end, he explained that together they will continue to create a more advanced and innovative telecommunications environment for all the citizens of our country. In conclusion, he added that “the Government of Kosovo, we are proud of this commitment and performance of Telekom”.
Meanwhile, the Minister of Economy, Artane Rizvanolli, said that we had a clear vision of where we will reach and a deep conviction that we can get there relatively quickly with the work and support of the Government.

Minister Rizvanolli emphasized that Telecom of Kosovo shows once again that not only for itself but with its investments it is giving indirect results in the economy of the country and in employment.

She expressed that she is also happy about the financial performance of Telekom, not only for the performance as such as a result in itself, but also for the financial performance as a source of continuous investments that will take place in the coming years.

What is worth noting is that the procurement process for the new stations has already been completed, which means that by the middle of next year the entire territory of Kosovo will be covered with a 4G+ network and will start in the most residential and the provision of 5G service.

Prime Minister Kurti’s complete speech:

Dear journalists,

Thank you very much for coming to this media conference here at Telekom e Kosova. I am with the chief executive and the Minister of Economy.

In which case we held a meeting with the senior management and the company’s board.

Almost two years ago we were here with Minister Rizvanolli and Minister Murati. And since that time, very big changes have been made, all for the better, and it has been a time of facing very big challenges of technology, lawsuits and arbitration.

We pledged unreserved support to the board and management to continue the company’s recovery.
Now, less than two years later, we are celebrating this new year by seeing significant results in all directions.

You all know that the Government of the Republic of Kosovo has disbursed a loan of 20 million euros to Telekom and here, too, large investments were made in technology in the Central, i.e. in the core of mobile telephony with tracking devices as well as with BTS, additional antennas, especially in the region of Ferizaj and Gjilan.

In the meantime, Telecom has made a profit, those funds are also being used for the continuation of the coverage of Kosovo with a new network.

A significant improvement in services has been noted, with the expansion of coverage with mobile services both on road axes and in settlements. Also, landline services have been extended to important areas such as police stations and public enterprises. In the first months of 2024, we expect to see substantial changes in the Mitrovica area as well.

On the other hand, starting from losses since 2015, this year Telecom of Kosovo has achieved a net profit of 5.9 million euros during the period January-November 2023, continuing a growth trend year after year. A 5% increase in revenues, accompanied by a reduction in operating expenses, indicates a smart management with a commitment to the modernization of the mobile network, the fixed network and network security.

It is inspiring to see how a public company with losses and no investments for almost a decade, today Telekom invests in mobile phone services (Vala) and fixed ones (internet and TV).

All this profit will be returned to technological investments for modernization of the mobile network, fixed network and network security. The goal is for Telekom to extend throughout the country, offering quality services to citizens, businesses and institutions, for which it has the support of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, in a complete and continuous manner.

Operating expenses have been reduced by about 7%, which shows commitment to the efficiency of responsible management, and all the company’s obligations have been paid on time.

An important part of this success is also the implementation of the restructuring and recruitment process with optimal dynamics, respecting all the procedures foreseen.

Two major development projects of Telecom of Kosovo started in 2023 include the complete modernization of the mobile network and full coverage with 4G+ and 5G technology, where after the next 6 months we will have full coverage with 4G+ and immediately followed by 5G. Meanwhile, the expansion of the optical cable network throughout the country will take place throughout 2024 and 2025.

Kosovo Telecom has made an excellent transformation, both organizational and structural, productive and qualitative, showing that commitment to innovation and quality services is essential. Our obligation to the citizens and the public, which is also Telekom’s mission, is that the citizens and the territory are covered with available and affordable services.

As the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, we are proud of this commitment and performance of Telekom, for which I congratulate the Chief Executive Burbuqe Hana, and at the same time I pledge that together with Minister Rizvanolli, and with the management team of the Chief Executive and the Board of Telecom, we will create a more advanced and innovative telecommunications environment for all citizens of our country.

Thank you.

Last modified: January 5, 2024

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