Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti and Minister Nagavci share prizes for the winning students of local and international competitions

December 22, 2023

Prishtina, 22 December, 2023

The winning students of national and international competitions joined today in a celebration ceremony in the presence of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, and the Minister of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation, Arbërie Nagavci, who shared the winners certificates of appreciation and symbolic rewards.

Appreciating the achievements of our young people, Prime Minister Kurti said that these victories are even more valuable, since they are from the fields of mathematics and physics.

“These results from the competition with your peers from different countries of the world are proof of the potential you have. Therefore, nurture this potential constantly and fully realize your talent, imagination, and creativity”, he said.

Since receiving the mandate, the support and commitment of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo to pupils and students remains unstoppable. Among the steps taken in this field, the prime minister singled out dual education in 12 profiles, 21 schools and 14 municipalities; free education at the public higher level; as well as the allocation of scholarships for high average grades, other scholarships for studies inside and outside the country, scholarships for students from communities and those with disabilities, as well as scholarships for girls in the STEM field.

“In 2023, in this year that we are slowly closing in these last days of the year, we awarded 1,647 Bachelor and Master scholarships to students with a high average grade; 1,882 scholarships for girls studying in STEM fields; 55 scholarships for community students; 28 scholarships for students with disabilities; 43 scholarships for PhD students studying abroad at top 500 universities; and 100 scholarships for deficit profiles”, added the prime minister.

In front of the students and their parents, he mentioned that the other steps in creating optimal conditions for learning are the approval of the Law on Early Childhood Education, i.e. for mandatory and quality education from the age of 0-6, and the Draft Law on School Texts where the norms and standards for correct and competent texts for the pre-university level are determined.

On the other hand, the Government last week approved the largest education budget that Kosovo has ever had, with around 409 million euros, a fact that proves the unsparing prioritization and dedication for students at every stage of preschool, school and university life.

The ceremony for the distribution of recognitions and symbolic rewards for the winners of the national and international competitions was organized by the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation.

Prime Minister Kurti’s complete speech:

Dear Ms. Arbërie Nagavci, Minister of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation,

Dear Deputy Minister Taulant Kelmendi,

Dear parents,

Dear students,

Dear attendees,

It is a pleasure to be together today, on a day celebrating the successes of our students inside and outside of Kosovo. Even more value is added to these victories, being from the fields of mathematics and physics, which are the basic scientific subjects for the development of students at school.

These results from the competition with your peers from different countries of the world are proof of the potential you have. So nurture this potential constantly and fully realize your talent and imagination and creativity.

In the service of this, since taking office, the support of our Government for pupils and students is continuous and unstoppable:

– In 2021, we distributed 1,799 scholarships to elite students; 1,365 scholarships for girls studying in STEM – science, technology, engineering, and mathematics; and 16 scholarships for students studying in the top 150 best universities in the world;

– In 2022, we distributed 1,383 scholarships for girls in STEM; 86 scholarships for community students; and 18 scholarships for students in the top 150 universities in the world;

– Meanwhile in 2023, in this year which we are slowly closing in these last days of the year, we distributed 1,647 Bachelor and Master scholarships to students with a high average grade; 1,882 scholarships for girls studying in STEM fields; 55 scholarships for community students; 28 scholarships for students with disabilities; 43 scholarships for PhD students studying abroad at top 500 universities; and 100 scholarships for deficit profiles.

At the same time, we pay special attention to vulnerable groups that deserve increased care and stimulation, such as pupils and students from the Roma, Ashkali, Egyptian communities, and pupils and students with disabilities.

We as the Government are committed to pupils and students of all levels, to create optimal conditions for you to learn and move forward:

– For preschoolers, we have approved the Law on Early Childhood Education for mandatory and quality education from the age of 0-6, since early childhood is not everything in terms of the formation of human character, but also of professional achievements later on. , but it’s a lot.

– We have determined the norms and standards for accurate and competent textbooks for the pre-university level, by approving the Draft Law on School Textbooks in the Government.

– For the first time in Kosovo, at the upper secondary level, we included dual education, learning and work practice together with Minister Nagavci, with Deputy Minister Kelmendi, with the Deputy German Ambassador and with the German GIZ, we were at Swiss Diamond and in hotel Sirius, to see how school is connected with work. So professional education and training with a job for that degree in the labor market, where they work at school and learn at work.

Also, in this dual education, which is being implemented with 920 students, in 12 profiles, 21 schools and 14 municipalities, for the first time we have vocational school students who are ready for the labor market, after completing the matura.

– From the academic year 2021/2022, we have made the studies free, so students have expenses for living and housing, but not for the faculty at the public university of the Republic of Kosovo. At the university level, we have released 43,000 public university students from the payment of Bachelor’s and Master’s studies. Only for the doctorate they have to pay, Bachelor and Master in terms of studies are free.

Last week we approved the largest education budget that Kosovo has ever had, with around 409 million euros, a 17.3% increase in the 2024 budget compared to this year 2023 that we are slowly leaving behind.

It is indisputable that we consider education a priority, but for this we need strong cooperation with teachers and parents.

Dear parents,

We are committed to providing unreserved, unsparing support for our students and your children. At every stage of preschool, school and university life. Support for every girl and boy to learn and work properly and successfully, committing together for the raising of children, for the upliftment of young people, and in this way we are committed to the growth and upliftment of our Republic.

Congratulations to everyone for these successes, may you always achieve and win, and happy holidays this year.

Thank you!

Last modified: December 26, 2023

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