Zyra e Kryeministrit

The process of registering the social enterprises begins

November 20, 2023

Prishtina, 20 November, 2023

“We have always expressed the vision to provide equal opportunities for everyone, while we have demonstrated the work and will to make that vision a reality through the drafting and implementation of policies for a more inclusive economy,” he said. his, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, in the meeting with representatives of non-governmental organizations and businesses, for information about registration as a social enterprise.

Today, in front of the audience, on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, the Prime Minister presented another achievement in this direction, that for the first time in Kosovo, our Government offers the opportunity for non-governmental organizations and businesses to register and receive the status of social enterprises.

So, in our country, he continued, we have public enterprises, we have private enterprises, but we also have social enterprises. “The facilities that we will offer to social enterprises, on the one hand, encourage the activation in the labor market of persons from vulnerable groups, while on the other hand, they ensure the redistribution of income to serve these groups. Even to increase employment, but also welfare. “Employment at the beginning, through staffing, while welfare at the end, through the redistribution of profits”, added the prime minister.

As he addressed the businesses and non-governmental organizations, he said that both of them, in their activities, already work with people from vulnerable groups, so the prime minister highlighted that they are presenting the process of registering social enterprises and informing them about the benefits that facilitate their work in the service of these groups of society.

Meanwhile, Minister Murati emphasized how the Government has continuously implemented policies that address inequality both in the labor market and in the level of family income.

Murati said that today they are presenting the start of the process of social enterprises, enterprises that are characterized by free initiative, support for vulnerable groups and volunteering.

Social enterprises use their funds to advance the social mission and in support of this mission they also accept facilities, during their operation, to qualify for registration as social enterprises, as businesses or NGOs that provide various services to groups of vulnerable, including health, residential, psycho-social and professional training services.

Non-governmental organizations and businesses that provide various services to vulnerable groups including health, residential, psycho-social and vocational training services can apply to obtain social enterprise status. Also, in addition to providing services, companies/NGOs that employ at least 30% of employees from vulnerable groups and produce or process products can apply to obtain the status of social enterprises. Before applying, businesses/NGOs must clearly define the scope, the classification in category A or B as well as the way of distribution of the profit, bearing in mind that up to 30% of the profit can be distributed for salaries and wages while the rest goes for expansion or investment in their activity.

To apply for social enterprise status, NGOs/businesses send the necessary documents for application to the Division for Social Enterprises in the Ministry of Finance, Labor and Transfers (MFPT). After application, the Commission for the Evaluation of the Status of Social Enterprise provides businesses/organizations that qualify with a certificate of social enterprise where the MFPT to facilitate their path towards achieving their social mission offers several benefits.

For more information about the application and the necessary documentation, please visit this link: https://mfpt.rks-gov.net/Puna/Page/966. 

Prime Minister Kurti’s complete speech:

Dear Minister Murati,
Dear representatives of non-governmental organizations,
Dear business representatives,
Ladies and gentleman,
Dear attendees,

We have always expressed the vision to provide equal opportunities for everyone, while we have demonstrated the work and will to make that vision a reality through the drafting and implementation of policies for a more inclusive economy. Policies aimed at disabled people, mothers and children, the elderly and families with no employees, have ensured that citizens and the state will be together to act for everyone without leaving anyone behind.

Employment and justice, equality and economic development, are the basis of each step of the journey. Today, on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, I present to you another achievement in this direction. For the first time in Kosovo, our Government offers the possibility for non-governmental organizations and businesses to register and obtain the status of social enterprises.

So, in our country we have public enterprises, we have private enterprises, but we also have social enterprises.

We are finally implementing the existing legal framework in order to address the needs of vulnerable groups in society through the development of the social enterprise sector. The facilities that we will offer to social enterprises, on the one hand, encourage the activation in the labor market of persons from vulnerable groups, while on the other hand, they ensure the redistribution of income to serve these groups. Even to increase employment, but also welfare. Employment at the beginning, through employment, while welfare at the end, through the redistribution of profits.

You as businesses and non-governmental organizations in your activity already work with people from vulnerable groups. We are introducing the registration process of social enterprises and informing you about the benefits that facilitate your work in the service of these groups of society.

If you have structured your activity in such a way that you offer services to vulnerable groups, or you employ at least 30% of the staff from vulnerable groups, you can apply to receive the social enterprise certificate, be entered in the register of social enterprises and operate as such in the market in Kosovo.

As the Government, we remain committed to everyone feeling the hand of the state and we intend to do this by guaranteeing equal access to opportunities for economic advancement.

Therefore, we consider you here invited, as well as all those non-governmental organizations and businesses, which work in the service of vulnerable groups, as key partners in this common journey of ours.

Thanking you for your presence today, I invite the Minister of Finance, Labor and Transfers, Mr. Hekuran Murati for a word about the benefits and facilities of operating as a social enterprise in Kosovo.

Thank you.

Last modified: November 21, 2023

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