Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti’s complete address at the media conference, regarding the joint meeting of the Government of Kosovo and the Government of Albania

June 13, 2023

Pristina, 13 June, 2023

Dear journalists present,
Dear citizens,

Thank you for following the events and activities marking the 145th anniversary of the Albanian League of Prizren and the Liberation Day of Kosovo.

As part of the state agenda for these dates of extremely historical weight, tonight will be held the joint concert of the “Shota” Ensemble and musicians from Albania in Gjakovë.

With it, we are concluding the state agenda for June 10 and 12, and we are starting the intergovernmental meeting of Kosovo and Albania.

So, with Albanian song and dance we are celebrating the connection and freedom, a day before we further strengthen the connection and freedom to cooperate.

Tomorrow in Gjakovë, for the second time as host, and for the third time in less than 2 years, we are holding the ninth joint meeting of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo and the Government of the Republic of Albania.

To the 41 agreements in the two previous meetings, of which 39 have been fully implemented and the other two are in the final phase of implementation, we will add 13 new ones in the fields of justice, education, health, agriculture, culture, entrepreneurship and defense and a joint statement on strengthening cooperation in the field of security.

On the agenda for tomorrow we will also have the discussion regarding the cooperation for the realization of an important goal, that of the Customs Union, in addition to agreements and memoranda of cooperation for the recognition of the right to exercise the profession of lawyer and mediator; for student scholarships; provision of health services; facilitating the passage procedures of military goods and products of non-animal origin, to name just a few of them.

The special feature of this meeting, apart from the moment when it is taking place, is also the joint meeting with the Mayors of the Border Zone Municipalities; Gjakova, Peja, Deçan, Prizren and Dragash on one side, and Tropoja, Kukës and Has on the other. Together we will discuss how to turn challenges into opportunities, and opportunities into the benefit of citizens.

We have given due importance to the free movement of citizens in cross-border areas. Through the agreements and implementing protocols so far, we have increased the number of special border crossings to 26. From April of this year, over 200,000 citizens of Kosovo and Albania who live in areas up to 30 km from the land border have the right to cross the border freely and stay in the border area, for social, cultural, family and health reasons.

The second topic I want to talk about today is that I started the day with a meeting with the ambassadors of the QUINT countries and the head of the EU mission, with whom we talked about the latest developments in the country and whom I informed for the proposal of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo regarding the complete de-escalation of the situation in the four municipalities in the north of the country. Proposal which I have previously shared with the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Policy and Security, Mr. Josep Borrell.

Yesterday at 12:00 I had a phone call with the vice president of the European Commission and the high representative of the EU for Foreign Policy and Security, Mr. Josep Borrell regarding the situation in the municipalities in the north after the municipal elections, and today I received the representatives of the QUINT countries in a meeting.

Yesterday afternoon I was in continuous communication with the representative of the EU for the Balkans and the Dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, Mr. Miroslav Lajcak and at the same time in the evening with the American ambassador to the Republic of Kosovo, Mr. Jeffrey Hovenier. With Mr. Borell yesterday, and with the friendly countries and partners of QUINT today I expressed the commitment and full commitment of the Government for the de-escalation of the situation in the municipalities in the north of Kosovo and for the normalization of relations with Serbia. So de-escalation and normalization.

It is important to understand correctly that the escalation of the situation in the north comes on the one hand as a result of the boycott of institutions and elections by parties from the Serbian community under the orders of Belgrade, despite the postponement of the elections and registration deadlines, and on the other hand as a consequence of the presence of criminal elements in Belgrade’s payroll as well. So these are the factors that are the source of constant tension.

However, despite the intentional destabilizing actions of Serbia, I offered Mr. Borrell and today QUINT countries a list of concrete steps that contribute directly and immediately to the de-escalation of the situation and return to dialogue.

First step: The rule of law in the four municipalities in the north of the Republic of Kosovo.
The situation in the north has not been normal for a long time, but the escalation on May 29 makes it urgent to bring to justice all those who used violence against the Kosovo Police, NATO soldiers and you, the journalists. So, the first point in my letter to Mr. Borrel after the phone call, is the rule of law in four municipalities in the north of the Republic of Kosovo, to be ensured, to be established immediately, including, among other things, the identification, criminal prosecution and fair trial of to all the members of the criminal groups that have attacked the Kosovo Police, NATO members and journalists. EULEX is invited to directly monitor the substance of the court proceedings related to the trial.
Second point: Violent groups are immediately withdrawn from the territory of Kosovo and any criminal act against the institutions of Kosovo is prohibited. Based on the principle of proportionality, the presence of Kosovo Police forces in the three municipal facilities in the north of Kosovo will be reduced accordingly.
Third point: The Kosovo Police and KFOR or EULEX will conduct joint security assessments every fifteen days to guarantee a safe and risk-free environment for all and to support the rule of law measures.
Fourth point: The Government of the Republic of Kosovo will coordinate with all actors and announce early elections in the four municipalities in the north. The new elections must be organized in a free, democratic and unhindered liberal electoral atmosphere.
Fifth point: Kosovo and Serbia immediately return to the dialogue mediated by Brussels. The European Union provides a fair and balanced ranking plan for the implementation of the Basic Agreement, Brussels February 27 and its Implementing Annex, Ohrid March 18. The leaders of the two countries are meeting at a high level of dialogue in Brussels this week.
So, as I pointed out and as the chronology of developments proves, since November 5 of last year, our decisions have neither contributed to the escalation nor are they a source of the escalation of the situation in the north of Kosovo.
We are in our duties of implementing constitutionality and legality throughout the territory of the Republic. As we are on the right path to the advancement of democracy, the implementation and promotion of common and fundamental values, which we share with our friends, partners, allies, the European Union and the United States of America.
Thank you and now we will be able to answer your questions!

Last modified: June 14, 2023

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