Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti welcomed the members of the Commission for European Integration of the Assembly of Albania

February 14, 2023

Prishtina, 14 February, 2023

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, welcomed a delegation of the Commission for European Integration of the Parliament of Albania, headed by the Chairman of this commission, Jorida Tabaku and composed of deputies of the Socialist Party, the Democratic Party and the Freedom Party. The delegation was accompanied by the Ambassador of Albania in Kosovo, Qemal Minxhozi.

The meeting discussed the importance of cooperation between Kosovo and Albania in the field of European integration and foreign policy and the permanent need for co-ordination and coordination.

The delegation gave their full support to Kosovo’s application to the European Union, submitted in December last year, and to the Council of Europe, submitted in May 2022.

They also discussed the close relations between the two countries and the close inter-institutional communication, as well as the applicability of bilateral agreements, with emphasis on those in the field of economy and commercial exchange.

Ms. Tabaku, on behalf of the delegation, congratulated Prime Minister Kurti on the 15th anniversary of Kosovo’s independence. Prime Minister Kurti thanked the deputies for the visit, the cooperation so far and for the willingness to do even more in the service of deepening the relations between Kosovo and Albania.

The delegation in question, consisting of Jorida Tabaku, Flutura Açka, Kreshnik Çolaku, MP from the Democratic Party, Etilda Gjonaj, Gerta Duraku, Lavdrim Krrashi, MP from the Socialist Party and Erisa Xhixho, MP from the Freedom Party, is staying in Kosovo where conducts meetings with institutional representatives and political leaders.


Last modified: February 15, 2023

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