Zyra e Kryeministrit

On the 25th anniversary of the student protests, Prime Minister Kurti paid tribute in front of the grave of Professor Ejup Statovci

October 1, 2022

Pristina, October 1, 2022

On the 25th anniversary of the peaceful student protests of October 1, 1997 and in honor of the work of the ex-rector of the University of Pristina, Professor Ejup Statovci, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, paid tribute in front of his grave.

He was brave and wise, institutionalist and revolted, also academic and intellectual. An extraordinary figure at the right time, who, like no one else before or after him, was always with the students and at the forefront of the necessary democratic and national changes. So today, when we mark the 25th anniversary of October 1, 1997, we undoubtedly remember him fondly and bow down with pride, because we were very, very lucky to have him, Prime Minister Kurti said.

Professor Ejup Statovci would have turned 82 this October, but he passed away before turning 60. However, those decades of his life were well worth it, not only for him and his family, but for the university, for Kosovo, for the students, for the people and for the entire Albanian nation, he added.

In memory of the student protest, Prime Minister Kurti together with the Minister of Internal Affairs, Xelal Sveçla, the family members of Professor Statovci, Professor Drita Halimi Statovci, as well as the other participants of this protest, Ahmet Geca, Bujar Dugolli, Drita Statovci, Driton Lajçi , Ernest Luma, Fatban Bunjaku, Jeton Rexha, Mentor Bogaj, Mihane Salihu and Milot Cakaj, honored Professor Ejup Statovci, who was at the forefront of the university in 1991 and at the protests in 1997.


Last modified: October 3, 2022

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