Dear President of Kosovo,
The chairman of the Assembly,
Deputies of the assembly of Kosovo,
Dear citizens of Kosovo,
I am much honored that today in front of you dear deputies and in front of citizens of Kosovo, ii have the opportunity to present my speech for the government of Kosovo.
Allow me to thank in the beginning all the citizens of Kosovo for the given support, and also the president of Kosovo for the given mandate for the creation of the government, the duty that I have accepted with pleasure and i will do it with honor and responsibility.
This year that we have just started brings in front of us, as a national and as a country, not just confronts and many challenges but also the rebirth hope with many possibilities to move forward. It is true; today we are in the most important crossroad of our new history. We are being prepared that in the first part of this year to do Kosovo independent and sovereign. The country of equal opportunities for all citizens. The rights of all communities will be respected and guaranteed through affirmative engagements, guaranteed also with constitution.
For independent and democratic Kosovo we are united as a nation as never before and in close corporation and coordination with our close friends: USA and Union European and NATO.
We will do reality our dream and our right, so we will become a part of the family of the free nations of the world.
The politic of government of Kosovo always remain ground in the right of our nation to e independent.
Kosovo will be independent!
But we should not forget that the long-awaited independence will not solve all the problems of our country. Together with independence will also come many other challenges and with those we should confront.
It is our obligation toward the citizens to create a strong and new leadership, which will work with honor and commitment to make our country respected.
Agenda that will I expand today in front of you, as a main aim has real and immediate changes, comprehensive and fundamental. Exactly those changes that our citizens believed and requested and now are waiting for them.
Our citizens with a total right are waiting and are observing carefully. They have requested changes. They are waiting for concrete and immediate actions.
So, starting from today we should fulfill their expectances that are our promises.
Dear deputies,
The agenda of government of Kosovo for reforms and regeneration is specific and large. Those clarify the priorities, but allow me to clarify, that does not present a list of all problems that will be solved during 2008.
Our challenges are numerous, but our aims are focused and together we should start the work to build our new country.
This government plan, that determines our way, it includes elements of brave changes, comprehensive and fundamental, and that will enable us that united to overcome these challenges successfully.
Ladies and gentleman,
In the following weeks, I in the name of government of Kosovo will present in front of the citizens the comprehensive project for economical reforms which should start to awake the Kosovo’s economy, in order to lead Kosovo in the new era of stable development and also of the opportunities. This era is being build creating a clime where the investors, not just that they can come and invest in Kosovo but also they can operate without any problem, to enlarge their businesses and to create new places of work.
In this attempt we should be leaded by a discipline, transparence and a very big financial care.
We should be sure that our capital projects foreseen for this year, and following years to be finance and the budget also should be in accordance with these projects.
So, the new government of Kosovo will do a review of the consolidated budget for 2008.
We should be united in our aim to indicate economical growth, agreeing for the decrease of the tax in the businesses, that is the highest in the region.
In current state, motive of the investors to come and invest in Kosovo is low.
The decrease of this tax will sent a clear message to the entire world that Kosovo is open for business.
Another action that we should do together is the providing of the long-term loans with low interests, suitable for businesses that are able to demonstrate the fact that in Kosovo can create new places of work.
Let’s go a step further – let’s promise for the creation of industrial zones, which will stimulate the economical growth through different tax facilities designed to attract new businesses in Kosovo and to create to existing businesses, the opportunity of enlargement and of creation of more working places. To evidence that Kosovo is open for business, we should confront with biggest economical challenges: electricity and infrastructure.
Dear deputies,
Our commitment for energy and infrastructure will be concrete and serious. The lack of continuous energy will be considered from government of Kosovo as national crises.
So, the government will prepare a reform package to overpass the existing problems, to guarantee regular and normal supply with electricity.
I request your help to find fast solutions for the existing problems. In this aspect we should be innovative: we will study all the alternative possibilities of electricity, starting from solar energy and until to the wind energy, to be ensured about the fulfillment of our needs.
We will continue our attempts to make Kosovo the greenest country in Eastern Europe.
Whole the world is confronting with the dilemma that “where will we find the necessary energy for the supply of global economy of 21 century, without causing unrepaired damages for our natural environment?”
Why not to try and to make Kosovo a country which can answer in this matter?
I invite you to make Kosovo regional clean center for researches in the electricity field, for development, produce and new places of work.
To ensure that we will attract companies from all over the world which have to do with clean electricity production and also regenerative for the future?
Dear deputies,
The creation of infrastructural interborder efficacy network will be also the priority of the government of Kosovo.
Starting from roads and until railways, we should work together to modernize them and to build new infrastructure to join our country in every corner.
We will integrate infrastructure in the international transport network and to walk toward the implementation of European standards.
Our projects aims to decrease the expenses for businesses, but also the increase of the competition, the stimulation of the investments, and also the creation of new places of work.
Ladies and gentleman,
In now days, the possibilities depend from the poker of knowledge, so the companies are able to travel in every country of the world to find this power, they invest there and are related to it.
We will start to implement our priorities in the education field, in order to confront successfully with the requests of 21 century.
I invite you to start to realize our aim- to make Kosovo regional leader in the preparation of the students for career in the field of mathematics, science and informative technology.
Our project expands the detailed package for the reforms in education, which will provide new possibilities for our students and also will ensure parents that their children now will have the opportunity to use their intellectual potential.
We will start this big project creating national found for education, increasing the teacher’s salaries, motivating them with rewards for the achievements at work. Let’s help our localities, building new schools, and so we will facilitate our existing situation.
Except this, we will start immediately with the establishment of computer centers in our schools, in order not to join the schools with each other but with their modern countries of the world.
We will create a system of knowledge assessment for pupils and we will work intensively to license the teachers.
We will create a university system of 21 century, which provides professional staff in maths, science and informative technology- system that teaches our students necessary skills to achieve successes in the advanced economy of the future.
Together, let’s do the education a beneficial asset for new generations.
Let’s consolidate our children to be successful in their career, innovators and creators of the future.
Dear deputies,
The focus in the economy, energy, infrastructure and education will enable us to increase our consolidated budget.
This increase allows us to concentrate in the social programs, for which the country has a great need.
While we continue to go further together, we will provide to our citizens a health system of the first level, and we will start to create a system where all the citizens will have health insurance, being they private or public.
We premise today, that our government will attend to old people and will reform the pensional fond, in order to do investments, and from tat to enable facilities to provide medicaments and health insurance for old people.
Dear deputies,
All these initiatives will be insignificant in case we will not have an open and transparent government.
I want to get out the government from the mist and to do it responsible in front of the citizens to whom she would have to serve.
I premise that I will end the continuous circle of loses, delusions, and abuses with Money of our citizens; I will stay faithful to the relief that citizens has given to me. I will request from every minister to do the same premise.
The war against the corruption will be harsh and with zero tolerance toward everybody and anytime. So, I request your support, of the responsible local institutions, and all citizens of Kosovo.
Citizens of Kosovo,
I request your continuous unit, belief and understanding.
The challenges are not a few and the solutions can not be so easy and fast.
The programs that I will present will start to be applied in the practice from today, but we will not be able to finish it during the first year of this government. We will have a long and common journey. So, join to me to start this journey from today, to start it united with spirit of hope, decisiveness and opportunities.
Dear deputies,
I invite you to vote this agenda, for this government and for its citizens who will help us in our way; you have sent the clear message to those who you represent.
You have said to them that you are ready to be strong leaders as they want you, to do the real changes that they request and to built new country as they deserve it.
Thank you.
Last modified: July 25, 2022