Zyra e Kryeministrit

The Prime Minister of Kosovo met the journalists from Ukraine and Afghanistan who are taking refuge in Kosovo

December 11, 2023

Prishtina, 11 December, 2023

At the residence of the German ambassador in Kosovo, Jörn Rohde, together with representatives of the Independent Association of Journalists and the European Center for Freedom of the Press and Media, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, met the journalists from Ukraine and Afghanistan who are sheltering in Kosovo through the Journalists-in-Residence (JiR Kosovo) program.

Before thanking them for their service, not only to the country but also to the universal principles of democracy and human rights, Prime Minister Kurti assured them that they are welcome in Kosovo and that the people of Kosovo understand very well what it is like to you are far from your hometown and family, not knowing when you will be able to return again. He wished that next year it will be possible for them to return safely to their countries of origin, but until then and always consider Kosovo as their second home.

Journalists-in-Residence (JiR Kosovo) is a program that is funded by the Government of the Republic of Kosovo and which covers the cost of living, salaries and offices, to enable journalists in residence to work remotely. From February 2022, until now there are 23 beneficiary journalists, of which 18 Ukrainians and 5 Afghans. 15 journalists still live in Kosovo. This program is implemented by the Association of Independent Journalists of Kosovo, with the support of the Hannah Arendt initiative.

Last modified: December 13, 2023

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