Zyra e Kryeministrit

The Office of the Prime Minister and the political cabinets of the ministries held workshops, the achievements so far and the plans for this year were presented

January 22, 2023

During the two days of this weekend, the Office of the Prime Minister together with the political cabinets of the ministries have held joint workshops.

In these meetings, divided according to the basic pillars of the National Development Plan, the ministries presented their results, achievements and challenges during the past year, as well as plans and goals for 2023.

Prime Minister Kurti thanked the members of the government cabinet and their staff for their work throughout 2022. He invited them for more commitment in 2023 in the realization of the work started and the commitments of the government program for good governance, security and rule of law, equitable development and a strong and stable economy.

Last modified: January 26, 2023

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