Zyra e Kryeministrit

The foundation of the new facility of the Faculty of Mathematics-Natural Sciences has been set

February 23, 2023

Prishtina, 23 February, 2023

Education is the most important investment for the future of our state, of our society. It is also the main pillar for the sustainable economic and social development of the country, said the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, at the ceremony of launching the new facility of the Faculty of Mathematics-Natural Sciences, which was also accompanied by the Minister of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation, Arberie Nagavci.

Emphasizing that it is a special pleasure for him to be part of putting this foundation Prime Minister Kurti said that mathematics and natural sciences provide the basis for developing new knowledge and advancing the world’s understanding of the world.

“Mathematics and the natural sciences have an inter-disciplinary impact on other fields, and have a particularly important role in the development of engineering and technical sciences. Therefore, it is very important that the new facility of the Faculty of Mathematics-Natural Sciences is being built right near the existing faculty facility. This physical proximity between the Faculties of Natural and Applied Sciences will provide opportunities for closer cooperation and academic and scientific exchanges that can greatly contribute to the mutual development of the stem areas they cover,” he said.

In his speech to the audience, the Prime Minister wished that the foundation we are put in today to be a new page in the history of the development of the University of Prishtina, as well as the overall socio-economic development of our country.

He said that we are making an important step in creating prerequisites for the development of education and research in Kosovo. The construction of the new modern facility for the Faculty of Mathematical-Natural Sciences of the University of Prishtina will provide students with academic infrastructure, technology and resources needed for academic and professional development in the study branches of this faculty.

He had special thanks to the European Union for financing this project through IPA funds, as well as UNOPS as an implementing partner in its implementation.

Prime Minister Kurti’s complete speech in placing the foundation of the new faculty of Mathematical-Natural Sciences:

Honorable Head of the European Union Office in Kosovo, Ambassador Tomáš szunyog,
Dear Minister of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation, Ms. Arberie Nagavci,
Dear Coordinator for Development of the United Nations Arnhild Spence,
Dear Rector of the University of Prishtina, Professor Qerim Qerimi,
Dear Head of Prishtina, Mr. Perparim Rama,
Dear Representative of UNOPS, Ms. Freya von Groote,
Dear academics, professors and students present,
Honored ladies and gentlemen,

It is a special pleasure for me to be part of the foundation of the new faculty of mathematical-natural sciences of the University of Prishtina today.

Mathematics and natural sciences provide the basis for developing new knowledge and advancing the world’s understanding of the world. They are an integral part of human progress that enable the development of technologies, drugs and new materials, as well as addressing the problems that humanity is facing. Mathematics and the natural sciences have an inter-disciplinary impact on other areas, and have a particularly important role in the development of engineering and technical sciences. Therefore, it is very important that the new facility of the Faculty of Mathematics-Natural Sciences is being built right near the existing faculty facility. This physical proximity between the Faculties of Natural and Applied Sciences will provide opportunities for closer cooperation and academic and scientific exchanges that can greatly contribute to the mutual development of the stem areas they cover. I wish that the foundation we are put in today will be a new page in the history of the development of the University of Prishtina, as well as the overall socio-economic development of our country.

Dear present,

Education is the most important investment for the future of our state, of our society. It is also the main pillar for the sustainable economic and social development of the country. Policies in the field of education we have already designed aim to strengthen and reform the education system, ranging from early childhood education to higher education, throughout life. Increasing quality is objective at all levels of education, and when we talk about higher education, the keywords of our policies to achieve this increase in quality are: integrity, standards, criteria and performance. So, integrity, standards, criteria and performance.

Thus, the Draft Law on Higher Education that is already in the Assembly of the Republic sets out the clear criteria for the establishment of higher education institutions, the conditions and minimum standards for academic appointments, as well as mechanisms for providing academic integrity and verifying academic titles. The draft law also foresees the mechanism of financing of public higher education institutions on the basis of performance contracts.

On the other hand, through the equally important draft law for the Kosovo Accreditation Agency, which is also in the final stages of review by the Assembly, the institutional and financial independence of the Agency in the field of accreditation and validation of higher education institutions is guaranteed and of their academic programs. Moreover, this bill is in full harmony with European standards and procedures – ENG, and as such guarantees the growth of quality in higher education, promotes students’ exchanges and academic staff, affects the internationalization of higher education, transfer of technology and knowledge, and creates prerequisites for the interconnection of the education system with the labor market. We are happy that the progress shown in raising the standards of accreditation has already enabled the readership of the Kosovo Accreditation Agency as an associated member of the ENQA.

Increasing the quality of higher education requires an increase in research work in higher education institutions, because universities and scientific institutions are a place where knowledge is produced, not just to consume it. Our government policies are also addressing this aspect, so very important. The National Council of Science has already been operational and the draft of the National Science Program 2023-2028 has been drafted.

The development of the KRIS system – Kosovo’s research system has been finalized and its piloting has begun. This system provides comprehensive information on research in Kosovo, including research institutions, researchers from the country and diaspora, research infrastructure, number of published scientific works, funds allocated for research, as well as local and international scientific projects.

At the end of last year, we inaugurated the creation of the National Network for Research and Education, the Network-Kren, which is also a key contributor, paving the way for intensification of research activities in our country. Kren now offers all higher education institutions in Kosovo access to infrastructure, platforms, software and modern literature and opportunities for cooperation and exchange of knowledge inside and outside the borders of Kosovo. With the realization of KR, Kosovo is locked in the largest academic network Pan-European Géant. This enables our researchers to access various scientific resources and better cooperation with researchers from other countries that are part of this network.

Kosovo is already part of the Horizon Europe program and in the meantime we are awaiting approval by the European Union of our membership in the Digital Europe Program. Over the past year, Kosovo’s research institutions have managed to qualify for 5 projects within the Horizon Europe. Our goal is to constantly increase local capacities to apply and benefit more from these European Union research funds.

Honored ladies and gentlemen,

Today we are making an important step in creating prerequisites for the development of education and research in Kosovo. The construction of the new modern facility for the Faculty of Mathematical-Natural Sciences of the University of Prishtina will provide students with academic infrastructure, technology and resources needed for academic and professional development in the study branches of this faculty.

Let me especially thank the European Union for financing this project through IPA funds, as well as UNOPS as an implementing partner in its implementation. I wish a successful project implementation and I look forward to seeing the positive impact it will have for the University and its future students.

Thank you!

Last modified: February 23, 2023

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