Zyra e Kryeministrit

The bust of the hero Rrustem Bruqi is inaugurated, in “Rrustem Bruqi” square, in Isniq, Deçan

August 3, 2024

Isniq, Deçan, 3 August, 2024

The bust of the hero Rrustem Bruqi was inaugurated today, in the “Rrustem Bruqi” square, in Isniq, Deçan.

Unable to be present, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, sent a telegram to the Bruqi family, which was read by the moderator of the ceremony, Shkodran Imeraj.
Present at this event was the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora, Donika Gërvalla Schwarz.

Prime Minister Kurti’s complete letter:

Dear Bruqi family,
Dear residents of Isniq and Deçan,

I am glad that a month since it has been 26 years since the fall of the martyr, Rrustem Bruqi, his figure of the patriot is being exalted and fixed in a work of art in his hometown in Isniq.
The modern history of Kosovo, and especially the second half of the 20th century, is dense with events and processes related to certain historical personalities, in whose biographies we can read the history of Kosovo itself. Such is the case of Rrustem Bruqi, whose biography can also be read as a description of the cultural model of an engaged intellectual and a patriot devoted to his country and his nation.

I say this about Rrustem Bruqi, being aware of his life so busy with activities, namely his patriotic work from his early youth until he was martyred here 26 years ago. Born in 1958, when Rrustem Bruqi registered his law studies at the University of Pristina in 1978, only eight years after the university was founded, continuing his university studies at that time was also an act of patriotism in itself.

Engaged since the spring demonstrations of 1981, Rrustem Bruqi turned into a very active man, using all the ways and methods, legal and illegal, peaceful and armed, for organizations and for resistance, for activism and even for liberation war. When you listen to the stories from Rrustem’s relatives and friends or when you read about his life in biographical texts, you understand that a life spent with as many activities both in Isniq and Deçan as it was in Kosovo, as well as during the four years that spent in Germany, it could not have ended otherwise than the way it did. So naturally, in June 1998, Rrustem returned from Germany to Kosovo, joining the Kosovo Liberation Army on the war fronts. And so naturally, Rrustem Bruqi was martyred on July 6, 1998, concluding his life and work with the supreme act of an individual for freedom, as a martyr of his people and country in his just struggle for liberation.

Blessed is the Bruqi and Isniqi family who raised him and blessed Kosovo who had Rrustem Bruqi, the martyr of Kosovo’s freedom, as its soldier until his death. Glory to Rrustem Bruqi and all the martyrs of freedom.

Last modified: August 5, 2024

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