Prishtina, 29 June, 2023
The Government of the Republic of Kosovo held its next meeting, the 148th in a row, in which it approved:
– The decision by which the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, in accordance with the request of the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo dated May 24, 2023, gives an opinion regarding the Legislative Initiative on the “Draft Law on amending and supplementing Law no. 06/L-005 on real estate tax”. According to him, the Government responds negatively to the request of the members of the Assembly.
– The decision by which the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, in accordance with the Request of the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo dated June 14, 2023, gives a positive opinion regarding the Legislative Initiative for the “Draft Law to amend and supplement Law No. 08/L-128. Public Officials”.
– The Draft law on Art and Culture.
– The Draft Law on Strategic Environmental Assessment.
– The Draft Law on the Administration of Buildings and Residential Neighborhoods in Co-Ownership.
– The Draft Law on the Energy Performance of Buildings.
– The Draft law on the amendment and completion of the Law on Freedom of Association in Non-Governmental Organizations.
– The Draft law on the Civil Registration Agency.
– The Draft law on the amendment and completion of Law No. 06/037 on Metrology.
– The Annual Intelligence and Security Policy Platform for 2023.
– Establishment of the Office for Linguistic Control and Harmonization, within the Prime Minister’s Office for the Organization and Functioning of State Administration and Independent Agencies.
– Amending and supplementing Government Decision No. 15/158 of November 29, 2013, for changing the conditions of entry and the Visa Regime for Foreigners in the Republic of Kosovo. According to this amendment, the country of Singapore is added to the list of countries whose citizens are exempted from the visa regime for entry, transit and stay in the territory of the Republic of Kosovo for up to 90 days, for a period of six months, from the date of the first entry.
– The decision to amend and supplement Government Decision No. 06/27 of April 30, 2020, to amend and supplement the list of items for common use that are the subject of the central public procurement procedure.
– Allocation of budget funds in the amount of 11,000,000.00 million euros (eleven million euros) for the implementation of Measure 2.2- Support to businesses for access to finance of the Economic Revival Package.
– The Final Decision for expropriation in the public interest of immovable properties that are affected by the realization of the project: “Construction of the Photovoltaic Park” for the needs of the Kosovo Energy Corporation (KEK-Sh.A), Kryshevc Cadastral Area, Obiliq Municipality and Cadastral Area Fushë Kosovë, Fushë Kosovë Municipality.
– The decision for the further consideration of the Request for expropriation for the realization of the project for the renovation and re-configuration of the Olympic Stadium “Adem Jashari” in Mitrovica.
– The initiative for the conclusion of the bilateral agreement between the Republic of Kosovo and Montenegro for the Cross-Border Cooperation Program IPA III, for the years 2021-2027.
– The Strategy for Industrial Development and Business Support 2030. The purpose of which is to provide a strategic policy framework for promoting industrial development, whose vision is that by 2030, Kosovo’s industry will be transformed into an industry more globally integrated which will be able to produce products with high added value and provide decent employment.
– The 2023-2025 Action Plan for the implementation of the Regional Development Strategy.
– Concept-document in the Field of Driver’s License.
– The Strategy for the Prevention and Combating of Terrorism 2023-2028 and the Action Plan. The purpose of this Strategy is to protect the Republic of Kosovo, its citizens, values and interests from the threats of terrorism, through policy orientation and strengthening of the comprehensive approach to preventing and fighting terrorism.
– The State Strategy for Reducing the Risk from Natural Disasters and Other Disasters 2023-2028 and the Action Plan.
– Allocation of 3.2 million euros for the “Adem Jashari” Stadium renovation project in Mitrovica.
– The decision on the allocation of budget funds for the Statistics Agency for the creation of the new capital project “Supply of Information Technology Equipment”.
– The Annual Consolidated Report on the Operation of the Internal Control System of Public Finances in Public Sector Entities for 2022, which reflects a summary of the assessments carried out for public sector entities in the field of Internal Control of Public Finances in Kosovo for the year 2022, as well as contains the findings, conclusions and recommendations for further improvements.
– The concept-document for the realization of civil rights, including the right of the parties to a trial within a reasonable time.
– The decision that the organizations “Civil Defense/Civilna zaštika” and its component “North Brigade/Severna brigada” be declared terrorist organizations, which based on the evaluations of the security institutions in the Republic of Kosovo, the illegal formations “Civil Defense/Civilna protection” and its component “Northern Brigade/Severna brigada”, present a serious and direct threat to the constitutional order and security of the Republic of Kosovo.
– The decision on the appointment of the international member in the State Quality Council (KShC) in the Kosovo Agency for Accreditation.
– The decision to request from the President of the Republic of Kosovo the granting of authorization to the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development for the signing of the Agreement between the Republic of Kosovo and GIZ for the “Project Support for the Sustainable Development of the Agriculture Sector in Rural Areas through Diversification of Activities”.
– The decision to approve the Digital Agenda of Kosovo 2030, which aims to define the policies and priorities of the Republic of Kosovo, in the context of continuous digital transformation according to global digital trends and requirements.
– The decision to change and complete point 1.1 of Decision No. 30/116 dated 28.12.2022. Through which the Ministry of Finance, Labor and Transfers is requested to be authorized on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo to sign a memorandum of cooperation with the Pension Fund of the Republic of Kosovo in order to determine the methodology of reimbursement of pension savings until July 15 2023.
– The decision on the establishment of the Advisory Board for the establishment of the National School of Administration of Kosovo.
The Advisory Board consists of the following members:
1. Mr. Bardhyl Dobra, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Chairman;
2. Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Drechsler – Harvard University/University College London/Tallinn Technology University, Germany;
3. Prof. Dr. Alketa Peci – Fundacao Getulio Vargas, Albania/Brazil;
4. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Besnik Pula, Virginia Tech, Kosovo/USA;
5. Prof. Dr. Michel de Vries – Radboud University, Netherlands;
6. Prof. Dr. Hiroko Shimada Logie – University of Kyoto/ former director of the National Civil Service Authority, Japan;
7. Dr. Anneli Temmes – former Executive Director of HAUS Finnish Institute of Public Management, Finland;
8. Prof. Dr. Andrew Massey – King’s College, Great Britain;
9. Prof. Dr. Eko Prasojo – Univesitas Indonesia and former Minister of Public Administration, Indonesia;
10. Prof. Dr. Arben Hajrullahu, University of Prishtina – Hasan Prishtina, Kosovo;
11. Dr. Julien Theron – National Institute of Public Service (INSP), France.
Last modified: June 30, 2023