24-25 October 2011
Speech of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosova Vienna Economic Forum-Meet Kosovo in Vienna
Dear Mr. Busek;
Dear participants of the Vienna economic forum;
Ladies and Gentlemen;
It’s a great honor for me to be with you tonight and on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Kosova and as the Prime Minister let me please thank you for your participation in the Vienna Economic Forum.
On this occasion, allow me to thank in particular Mr. Busek and all other organizers who have worked hard to organize this Vienna Economic Forum.
Allow me to stress that for the Republic of Kosova and its citizens, and in particular for business community, Vienna Economic Forum represents an ideal opportunity to present our achievements and our potential capabilities for further economic investments.
Furthermore, let me say that the Republic of Kosova along the successful state-building process has managed to record strong and sustainable economic growth and development.
However, the Republic of Kosova still needs investments in all economic sectors.
At the same time, the Republic of Kosova offers many investment opportunities.
Hence, the Government of the Republic of Kosova is committed to continue its efforts in improving the business environment. For this purpose, the Government of the Republic of Kosova has approved the Economic Development Vision 2011-2014 which identifies the private sector as the engine of economic growth and development.
In this regard, the Government of Kosova is aware of the potential role of Foreign Investors.
Let me briefly introduce the key reasons why one should consider investing in the Republic of Kosova. These include among others:
• The young and enthusiastic labour force which is eager to acquire new skills and knowledge;
• Natural resources;
• The privatization process, which offers direct investment opportunities;
• The high and continuously increasing market demand;
• The geographic location which enables easy access to the regional and European Union markets, the free trade agreements as well as the preferential measures with the European Union and the United States of America;
• An important reason is also the favourable fiscal policy and the commitment of the Government of the Republic of Kosova to improve the business environment…etc.
I am confident that views and enxperience exchanged guring this economic forum will be very useful for many potential foreign investors in order to better understand investments oppurtunities which Kosova offers as a new state.
Kosova’s economy is an open economy of a free market and we assure all potential foreign investors for equal oppurtunites to invest in transparent manner, and we will facilitate all such investments as foreseen by our laws.
Many thanks for this oppurtunity.
Last modified: July 31, 2022