Zyra e Kryeministrit

Speech of the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Hashim Thaçi in Memorial Academy on the occasion of the 16th anniversary of the fall of martyrs Bahri Fazliu and Agron Rrahmani

May 15, 2014

Prishtina, 15 May 2014

Good evening everyone,
Honoured families of martyrs,
Honoured Family Fazliu
Honoured Family Rrahmani,
Honoured Sir Adem,
Honoured ministers, deputy ministers, deputies, war associations,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Allow me, on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, to greet you all, families of the martyrs, KLA veterans, the comrades of freedom.

We are together in this memorial academy, with the highest state honours for two well known names of the new history of Kosovo and our nation, Agron Rrahmani and Bahri Fazliu.
Sixteen years ago they both fell for their country and that is what unifies us together today.

Only 6 days apart, they fell on the altar of freedom, by accomplishing a mission for which they committed their entire life: Kosovo Liberation and national unification.
Bahri and Agron were the product of the continuous efforts of our national movement of two fundamental values, for two dreams of many generations, for two dreams of each and every one of us: freedom, independence and national unification.

They both had gone through the best experience of our national school, which had deep roots, as deep as  ancient is the demand for the right solution of our national cause.
A decade before them, two important activists heroically fell, national heroes, leaders of the national illegal movement at that time for the Republic of Kosovo and national unification Afrim Zhitia and Fahri Fazliu, Bahri’s brother.

Now it is known, how import is the return and activation of Afrim Zhitia os the head of the political movement of that time.
He, together with Fadil Vata and many other activists were the motor of the National Movement. The motor of movement for Republic, of the movement for national unification, of movement to mobilize the student and all the nation.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Bahri Fazliu was a multifaceted personality, patriot, intellectual, ideologue of the illegal movement. A man who had great desire for knowledge and broad cultural horizon. He never stopped his intensive activity, either openly, even in conditions of illegality.

Bahri Fazliu is the type of activist that dedicated his entire family and individual live for the major goal, the ideals for liberation and unification.

Even his fall in the part between three borders of Kosovo-Albania-Montenegro, is a symbolic of his political and patriotic ideal.

Agron, with his determination of patriot and activist, best synthesise his warrior spirit, by being distinguished in the structuring and organization of combat units.
Both their lives ended upon ceaseless efforts for realization of their ideals, as soldiers, warriors and leaders of the Kosovo Liberation Army.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Bahri and Agron are examples of a universal truth: those who have a clear ideal on the way to freedom, they best synchronized the time and space, or clearly stated they are always where homeland needed them.

Despite theoretical differences or political spectrum, Kosovo had a goal, that of determined fight for liberation from occupation of one century.

Bahri and Agron were part of the Kosovo Liberation Army, making available their intellectual, human  and political commitment.

This was a major political achievement in Kosovo, which had entered into open war with the police and military formations in 1998.
Even in 1998/1999, Bahri and Agron, together with other comrades were part of those who prepared the war.

The Kosovo Liberation Army was a reality giving direction to the political and military developments in Kosovo.

Massiveness and structuring of KLA, encountered in battles, popular support and its affirmation in diplomatic circles, made Kosovo Liberation Army and Kosovo itself an inevitable factor in both, inside and on the international scene.

I am proud that at the most important time, Bahri Fazliu and other activists around him clearly understood the political and military line, being fully involved within the KLA structures.
Bahri Fazliu and Agron Rahman were the people of mobilization, action and leadership.

This unity gave visible results on the ground everywhere, making KLA emerge as a force that found support in the main centres of the Western world, in Washington and in Brussels as well as from the largest military force in the world, NATO.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Without the contribution, commitment and sacrifice of Bahri, Agron and all fellow fighters, as well as thousands of other martyrs, Kosovo would not gain freedom, the perspective of national unity would not be available.

Today, Kosovo after 15 years of liberation has achieved tangible results.

We have successfully passed the period of transition rounding it up with the major project, the independence of Kosovo.

Kosovo will soon have its own army.

Kosovo placed the care for the families of martyrs and war invalids to a level of institutional protection and institutional respect.

Kosovo has adopted the law on veterans, aiming to solve once and for all the issue of the people who contributed to the liberation of the country.

Honourable participants, 

Glory to the name, life and work of the martyrs Bahri Fazliu and Agron Rrahmani!

Glory to all martyrs of freedom!


Last modified: July 31, 2022

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