Prishtina, 12 August 2010
Honorable President of the Youth Parliament, Mr. Avdullah Hasani,
Honorable members of the Youth Parliament,
Honorable participants,
The parliamentary life of a country stimulates participation in decision making through the representation of interests of the citizens of that country, however, the participation of the energy and the passion of the youth in decision making, aiming at building of basic values of a society, and fostering and promoting of these values, is a goal only shared by democratic countries. Therefore, allow me, please, to express in front of you today, my real pleasure to address you today on the “World Youth Day,” and to greet you on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo.
Today you are participating here because you believe in the values of your representation, because you believe that with your power you can push the decision makers today to solidify the foundations of the state of Kosovo and to create sustainable policies that will allow the future generations of representation to work and focus on development and welfare. And you especially believe that through your participation in the Parliament you will have a positive impact on identifying and stimulating youth supportive policies. I want to assure you today that there are many ways for your voices to be heard, and the representation in the parliament and the parliamentary life has generally created an excellent opportunity to become direct participants in the democratic life and to establish firm foundations for the process of state creation we are devotedly advancing.
You need to stimulate the participation of the youngsters in the run for representation, because that would multiply your energy, would strengthen your will to continuously improve policies that directly affect the cultural dialogue that is vital for a society.
Dear parliamentarians,
I take pride in the way you have organized, in your firm belief that this is helping continuous advancing of decision making level, but also helps the creation of new practices in line with the Euro-Atlantic model of the parliamentary life. I am also convinced that your presence in this forum of such great importance will make your voice heard in the society, which apart from assuring that the interests of your generation are taken into account; it will also gradually extend the scope of the parliamentary democracy in the country.
Your presence here also shows how far we have come in stretching these borders and in building a plural democratic life and that for only two decades, starting with the launch of the parallel institutions in 1989, the establishment of the Parliament of the Republic of Kosovo up to the independence of the country two and a half years ago. I am certain that today we are in a position to consider the young politicians as a powerful voice aiming at building the future in the modern democracy of Kosovo. The Assembly of Kosovo has already approved the Law on Youth Empowerment and Participation, and we are also working with the Youth Department at the MCYS to further promote this participation. I want to inform you that today we signed four administrative directions, which will provide for a more significant participation of the youth in the public life. But still, we want to believe that the opportunities to act in a consolidated democracy are abundant, therefore I encourage you to have a much more active voice to
further promote this democracy. Kosovo has the youngest average age in Europe and this represents both an opportunity and a challenge for development. Therefore real education and stimulation of a knowledge based society with diverse ideas, could and should be your goal for the future.
I wish you successes in your life and work!
God bless Kosovo!
Good bless its youth!
Last modified: July 31, 2022