Zyra e Kryeministrit

Speech by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Hashim Thaçi, in a meeting of the Joint Board for Rule of Law and Order

November 21, 2011

Prishtina, 21 November 2011

Distinguished Mr. De Marnhac,
Distinguished Mr. Sinno,
Distinguished Mr. Peci,
Distinguished Mr. Kabashi,
Distinguished Mr. Hasani,
Distinguished Mr. Flemming,
Local and international representatives and experts,

 Ladies and gentlemen,

I am pleased to be here in your midst to encourage you and offer you my full support in your work in this important process for the country and our institutions, where you will discuss and list the challenges and priorities in rule of law and order for 2012.

As you know, rule of law and order remains ranked as a priority in the Government’s agenda that I direct and so this meeting is of special importance.

Rule of law is a precondition for the normal functioning of the state and society and is a valuable value of modern societies.

We remain strongly committed to pushing forward the government agenda in order to realize our shared objectives in this important area.

During the months and years behind us, we have achieved satisfactory results in rule of law and order, so I congratulate you on your work as the Joint Coordination Board for Rule of Law, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice Mr. Kuçi, Mr. De Marnhac, Mr. Sinno, ministers and members of this Board.

However, I would like to emphasize that much remains to be done. Extending sovereignty to Kosovo’s entire territory, full implementation of the laws, implementing the European agenda, are some of the challenges that we face every day and we seek commitment and determination from all of you.

Distinguished participants,

The implementation of laws, fighting against negative phenomena, organized crime and corruption etc, remain serious injuries for our society and state. 

So I encourage all of you together to be maximally committed to fighting these phenomena and ensuring an environment where all citizens of Kosovo live and enjoy full rights and are treated equally before the law.
Personally, I am very committed to seeing concrete steps being taken by all agencies and institutions dealing with rule of law and order.

The Government I lead remains committed to creating an environment where law and order and justice rule as fundamental principles of every modern society.

Finally, let me congratulate you once again for the work done, and encourage you to continue working, and to continue your jobs with great commitment.

Thank you and I wish you success. 

Last modified: July 31, 2022

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