Zyra e Kryeministrit

Speech by Prime Minister of Government of Kosovo Hashim Thaçi in Political Academy for Mr. Ukshin Hoti organized under the auspices of Prime Minister’s Office

May 16, 2008

Prishtina, 16 May 2008

Prime Minister Thaçi: Political opinions of Ukshin Hoti compete with world
political think tanks

Honorable Hoti family,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

The unresolved and enigmatic fate of Professor Ukshin Hoti is a concern in the souls and minds not only of his close family members, but also of his colleagues, former students, collaborators, activists, institutions of the Republic of Kosovo and the people in and out of Kosovo.

It is worrisome for the entire democratic world.

The path of Professor Ukshin Hoti’s life is the path of the history of his people.

An eternal fight against oppression and rule over Kosovo, regardless of the forms and shapes of the political systems.

A journey searching for freedom.

His political and national formation, on top of his scientific and professional qualifications, made Professor Hoti chose the right political orientation and take the right decisions when facing different situations.

The events, now considered historical, demonstrations in 1981, were a challenge, against which Ukshin Hoti took a clear position for the political protection – of the right demands of the people for the Republic of Kosovo.

It is rightfully said that the new social processes and political developments in historical turning points are embraced by intellectuals, and thus they get a new dimension in their nature – the idea, thought and theoretical articulation.

Of such a nature was the introductory speech of the noted Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy in November 1981, when in an eloquent manner, with scientific weight and civic courage, publicly defended the emancipating character of the demonstrations and the demands for the Republic of Kosovo.

This request – that was also an expression of the will of the people, – he would defend as an intellectual from the position of a political philosopher, always relying on one of the basic categories of philosophy, – developing and advancing of processes.

In Kosovo, despite the official Yugoslav doctrine, the national conscience was growing and its human factor was calling for more room for economic, social and cultural development, which was impossible without first achieving political development.

The status of Albanians in Kosovo and former Yugoslavia in that constitutional space was constrained; therefore the internal developments needed political expansion.

The righteousness of these political theses and of the cause of the people of Kosovo was later proved by the developments after 1981, the civilian resistance, the liberation army led by the Kosovo Liberation Army until the current reality, the reality of the declaration of the Independence of Kosovo and its recognition by the democratic world.

This orientation and stance of Professor Ukshin Hoti made him suffer several years in prison, but also isolation and maltreatment.

Not only the demand for the Republic of Kosovo, but also all the other viewpoints in terms of the issues of Kosovo were defended by Professor Ukshin Hoti as a genuine intellectual with a deep critical insight expressed in the press of the time, in magazines, and especially in his book “The Political Philosophy of the Albanian Cause.”

Scientific papers, political articles, analysis of the political phenomena, from a standpoint of a political sociologist, his speech at his last trial, are dignifying contributions and unique models in the contemporary literature on the political concept of the issue of Kosovo.

I think that what marks the climax of his political thinking is his successful connection between judging from a position of a highly qualified intellectual with an original ability to observe the political and historical processes of the Albanian cause.

Sometimes, circumstances would exert pressure upon Professor Hoti, but his political opinion was penetrating and triumphing over the daily political censorship.

The depth of his opinions, extensive knowledge, familiarity with political realities at the regional and international level, and his experience, helped Professor Hoti link the Albanian issue with the world, the decision making centers and the global politics.

The events in 1968, 1981, 1989 and in the nineties, were meticulously analyzed by Ukshin Hoti, and he pointed out the characteristics and established their historical continuity.

Professor Ukshin Hoti, explains, better than anyone else, the idea that Albanians should never feel inferior towards their rulers when it comes to their culture and civilization.

With his activities and opinions, he proved to belong to the political concept of the Albanian authentic liberation movement.

The political opinion of Professor Ukshin Hoti represents an invaluable contribution to our contemporary and modern science and journalism, with an objective and just judging, not only to defend the political position of Kosovo in rapport with Yugoslavia and Serbia, but also in the aspect of relations between Albania and Kosovo, Kosovo-Macedonia and Kosovo-Montenegro.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

With Professor Ukshin Hoti, I recall a good moment, at a time when I was a student deputy dean; the oppressive state bodies forced Kosovo education structures out of the institutions, while the professors and the students of the Prishtina University did not give up.

At that time, the education system continued in alternative premises.
From a political aspect, the depoliticizing of the university was achieved and all the professors and students, who had been dismissed for political reasons, came back again.
Their return gave a new scientific spirit to the Kosovar university and politics.

I recall with respect the first lecture by Professor Ukshin Hoti, upon his return at the University, at the premises of the “Zenel Hajdini” school in Kodër të Trimave neighborhood where the lectures were taking place.

The hall was full with students and professors who wanted to congratulate him on his return and at the same time to listen to his first lecture that had to do with the political development and the beginning of the breakout of Yugoslavia and the launch of the democratic changes in Albania.

Professor Hoti represented a political attitude for building of a state belonging to civic democracy.

Ladies and Gentlemen!

Today, when this Academy is taking place, the University of Prishtina and its students miss the scientific, critical and professional thinking of Professor Ukshin Hoti.

Professor Ukshin Hoti is rightfully attributed the most advanced opinion about the Independence of Kosovo.

The politics and the institutions of the Republic of Kosovo miss his insightful opinions that could compete with the world political science think-tanks.

We all miss Professor Ukshin Hoti.

Thank you!

Last modified: July 28, 2022

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