Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister’s Speech on Independence Day

February 17, 2008

Prime Minister’s Speech on Independence Day
17 February 2008
Honorable President of the Assembly,
Dear MP’s
Mr. President,
Distinguished guests,
My fellow citizens;

This day has long been coming. So many have given so much to make this day of Independence a reality. Today, we honor those who have honored us with their sacrifice. And we remember their names and we shall forever keep their memory in our hearts
We are grateful to our friends and allies at home and abroad who have helped us realize this day. I salute those present here today and on behalf of my people I extend our deepest gratitude to those watching us now.
But this day has come and from this moment on Kosovo is proud, independent and free.
My family, like yours, like all families all over Kosovo never wavered and never lost faith in our countrymen. From the brother who left his family to fight, to the farmer who would not cede his land, to the women and men who opened their homes and taught our children, to the student who stood up and said ‘no more’.
To all who have returned to build a better life for their children: We never wavered and never lost faith in our countrymen. We never lost faith in the dream that one day we would stand among the free nations of the world and today we do. All of us have brought our beloved Kosovo to this point and all of us should be very very proud.
As my parents and grandparents taught me what being a Kosovar means, I ask you to speak to your children and grandchildren and explain to them the meaning of this day. Retell the story for generations of the joy and pride we now feel and never forget to teach them to remember the great sacrifices of those who have come before us.
Kosovo, in the years to come, will face many challenges. However, those challenges will not deter us for we are going forward with a united spirit of a united people. Our challenges, from economic to energy, from education to health care, from infrastructure to European integration are large, but they are no match against the spirit of our people and our destiny.
Kosovo-the land and our people- are joined at a historic moment to improve the lives of each and every citizen within our borders regardless of ethnicity.
I say to ALL of our citizens: join us, work with us, for in our unity is our strength.
Our hopes have never been higher, and dreams are infinite, are challenges loom large, but nothing can deter us from moving forward to the greatness that history has reserved for us.
Much has already been done to assure members of communities our pledge to diversity. In this historic day I wish to reaffirm our political will to create the necessary conditions to respect and to protect diversity improving community relations in Kosovo. This will be reflected in our Constitutional and legal framework, following by a cross policy strategy at all levels of the state.
We will reflect this commitment on three key elements. First, there is the firm and irrevocable anchoring of the equal rights of all members of communities in Kosovo in our legal framework. Second, there is the establishment of permanent mechanisms to ensure that the communities can and will play a full and active role in the developing future of our country. And thirdly, there is our responsibility to take immediate and effective actions to ensure that our undertakings flowing from this policy will actually result in positive changes for all who live in Kosovo, including in particular members of communities.
Our Constitution outlines that Kosovo is a state of all its citizens. There is no room for intimidation, discrimination or unequal treatment of anyone, and any discriminatory practices will be stamped out by our state institutions. Instead, there is a positive recognition of the benefits that diversity brings to all of us.
Kosovo is declaring its independence in accordance with Ahtisari’s Comprehensive Proposal and Kosovo’s independence marks the end of the dissolution of former Yugoslavia. As a matter of fact, the implementation of the Ahtisari’s provisions which are enriched in the new Kosovo Constitution is a national priority for us. As result, Kosovo Assembly in very few days will pass all the key laws resulting from this document.
Kosovo appreciates the role that UN has played in rebuilding Kosovo and building our institutions. We look forward to work with the UN in order to advance our joint efforts for peace, security and democratic development.
Furthermore, we welcome the new international mission lead by the EU which will help our democratic development and oversee the implementation of Ahtisaari Plan.
On this occasion, I want to reassure our neighbors that Kosovo will do what ever it takes to establish and maintain good relationships with all neighboring countries. We seek good relationships based on mutual interest even with Belgrade being confident that this is our common interest.
As of today, Kosovo will be a democratic, multiethnic state moving rapidly toward EU and Euro-Atlantic integration.
Thank you.
Hashim Thaçi
Prime Minister of Kosovo

Last modified: July 31, 2022

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