Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Thaçi: We are a European state with the lowest debt and we are the Balkan state with the highest economic growth

November 18, 2011


The following is the full text of Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi’s speech

Distinguished President Jahjaga
Distinguished ministers,
Distinguished ambassadors,
Distinguished deputies,
Distinguished guests,

Ladies and gentlemen

Wishing you a warm welcome to the Republic of Kosovo, allow me to say how privileged I feel to have the opportunity to address such a respected audience, gathered here today in Prishtina.
This conference has brought together leaders, politicians, policy makers, and experts from different areas of the world, to discuss issues of importance not just for the region and Europe, but also beyond.

On this occasion, I would like to strongly thank the European Council on Foreign Relations and all respected members and experts in this Council, and especially President Martti Ahtisaari, Joschka Fischer, Albert Rohan, George Soros, and many others who have helped Kosovo and the region in its path toward freedom, democracy and independence.

Here in our midst today, are important personalities, who in one form or another contribute to Kosovo and the region. So, allow me once again on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo and its citizens, to thank you for supporting Kosovo, and peace in the Balkans.

While also thanking very much the organizers of this conference, I invite you to exploit this opportunity to exchange your ideas and vision, in the service of deepening regional cooperation in South Eastern Europe, and contributing to a united Europe, which is capable of confronting the problems we have ahead.

We as leaders, wherever we are, be it here in Prishtina, the Balkans or Europe, or anywhere in the world, welcome your valuable guidance and recommendations which assist us in making good decisions, not just in accordance with the interests of states we represent, but also in accordance with the highest human values.

Ladies and gentlemen

This century we have begun, looks like it will continue to confront us with challenges of different natures.

While on the one hand there are still some Western Balkan states facing challenges relating to concluding the state-building process and consolidation of democracy, which means deep reform not just of the system of government, but also of society, on the other hand, we have various states in the European Union which are seriously challenged by a global economic and financial crisis.

Days ago, German Chancellor Merkel, said that the current financial crisis which has affected the European Union could be one of the greatest challenges that Europe has experienced since the end of the Second World War.
Here, I express my attention to the threat of the spread of the financial-economic crisis to the Western Balkans, although here, for the moment, the effects of this crisis are significantly smaller in comparison with other states of the European Union, such as Greece, Ireland, Portugal and lastly Italy.

If the European Union and other key actors in the world do not find a joint solution to overcome this challenge, then its negative effects will affect the Balkans.
So, it is necessary for all of us from all states of Europe, to work together to address successfully this situation.

Ladies and gentlemen

Here in Kosovo and in other Western Balkan states, challenges have been present and still remain.
Those which were vital for us and connected to our existence have now been overcome.
All states of the Western Balkans have closed the not too distant dark chapter of history, which for most of the time was a period of fear, hatred and slavery.
This bitter chapter is closed and has been overcome once and for all, thanks to the efforts of the peoples of the Balkans, but especially thanks to the international intervention of the European Union, USA, and NATO, to stabilize the Balkans and to establish a long-term peace.

The international community has invested a lot in all states of the region and especially Kosovo.

We are very grateful to you. We will always be grateful and we guarantee to you that the investment made has already paid off, because the period of bloody wars is now in the past.

However, we are all witnesses that freedom and independence have not managed to solve all the problems which we face.
So many challenges remain; however, the goal of membership in the European Union and NATO, the goal of a united and free Europe, which lives in peace, is a key factor motivating us as leaders, and motivating the states of the region and our peoples to be optimistic and to push our societies forward.

The project of the European Union, the project of a united Europe, is the most successful project since the end of the Second World War, and Kosovo like other states of the region, seeks justly to be part of this project by merit and responsibility, to assist in protecting peace and security, not just in the region but also beyond.

We justly seek to become an important part of constructing a New Europe, because it was in Kosovo in 1999 that the just European principle of freedom, equality and justice for all Europeans, was tested.

It was Kosovo which to a large measure united Europe, in creating a new policy, new mechanisms, to punish regimes which threaten fundamental human rights.

That’s how it was then, whereas today again in Kosovo we are meeting to look directly at our future, to address the challenges that this new century brings.

Kosovo is a new state with new institutions, but a very ancient history and culture.
We are a European state with the smallest debt and we are the Balkan state with the highest economic growth.

There is no dilemma anymore; Kosovo is a functional state. Kosovars are equal and for the first time, all communities in Kosovo are free.

The rights of communities are respected in the most affirmative manner possible. Now the time has come to create new opportunities and these will be created if the project of Euro-Atlantic integration remains open and achievable.

The membership of Western Balkan states in NATO and the European Union will be a key factor for peace and security, not just for the region and Europe, but also beyond

The faster that this process is concluded, the more secure our future will be.

Ladies and gentlemen

I said previously that we are grateful to the international community, and especially the European Union, the United States of America, and NATO for the assistance given to Kosovo and other Western Balkan states.
But our mission and objective is to work even further to conclude this process completely.

This mission remains unfinished until all states in the region join the European Union and NATO.

So there is still work to be done, not just in Kosovo, but also in Serbia, Macedonia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and other countries.

We must ensure that our behavior as states aspiring to join the European Union and NATO is behavior based on European and Western principles and practices.

It is important to understand this, becuase it is intolerable that a state aspiring to membership in the European Union uses double standards.

I say this to bring your attention to the standards that Serbia is using regarding Kosovo and the European Union.
While in the first case, Serbia is using almost the same approach that it used in the last century, with regard to Kosovo, in the second case, it uses a moderate European approach, or what claims to be a moderate European approach.
This practice must end. A state that aspires to membership in the European Union cannot threaten the sovereignty of another state, which also aims at membership of the European Union.

So, we have begun technical dialogue with Serbia, with good intentions, to close the chapter of bitter relations, to find a practical solution, in the interest of citizens of two sovereign states, to promote a European solution that sends us toward a United Europe.

We will remain a responsible and constructive factor as always, not just in technical dialogue, but in broader dialogue in the European Union, to adapt to European standards in governance and the economy.
In this aspect, I welcome a very open and responsible dialogue, with all of you present here, representatives of civil society, the media, diplomacy, governments and experts who create and form European opinion.

Distinguished participants

Your presence here shows willingness to address challenges of vital importance not just for the citizens of Kosovo, but for the entire region.

It is the best proof that there is sufficient energy to achieve the project of a united Europe and to live in peace.

This conference from now onwards will be held annually, it will be traditional and I am proud that Kosovo with its modest resources, but with its great desire will be present and contribute to peace and stability.

The voice of Kosovo and states of the region must be heard and this conference is a small but important step to this end.
Once again, allow me to thank you and the organizers and guests, to wish you welcome, and a productive and deep debate in the coming two days.

Thank you very much!

Last modified: July 31, 2022

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