Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Thaçi: The agreement on integrated border management establishes full legality and rule of law on the northern border of the Republic of Kosovo

December 6, 2011

Prishtina, 6 December 2011

The following is Prime Minister Thaçi’s full speech in today’s meeting of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo

Distinguished ministers,
Government cabinet,

Allow me to open this meeting of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, the agenda for which you have before you.

Today, I would like to inform you, though you are already aware and have been, at the same time, part of the process, and to inform public opinion and the institutions of the Republic of Kosovo, and citizens of the country, in the service of transparency, the highest state, constitutional and legal responsibilities, and civic obligation.

A few days ago, an agreement was reached between the states of Kosovo and Serbia regarding integrated border management.

I would like to emphasize at the outset that integrated border management is a European concept and model that is applied only between states aspiring to enter the European Union,  as preparation for integration in the Schengen zone.

The agreement for integrated border management is entirely in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo and the Law on Integrated Border Management, approved by the Parliament of the Republic of Kosovo in May 2008.

Integrated border management occurs between two states and not at other levels.

I would like to emphasize again that the Republic of Kosovo now has a legal infrastructure harmonized with European Union legislation for this area, which we implement with all neighboring states, including Serbia. So integrated border management will include the entire border of the Republic of Kosovo with all its neighbors, with Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro and Serbia, and as borders are opened we will have a region with open borders on the model of European Union countries.

By this Kosovo fulfills another European standard for borders, visa liberalization and its faster and easier entry into the Schengen zone in the future.

Integrated border management means national and international cooperation and coordination between all respective authorities and agencies included in border security, the facilitation of trade, establishment of more effective and productive systems of integrated border management, in order to reach the objective of open borders, which are well controlled and secure.

The agreement for integrated border management achieved in Brussels, with the intervention of the EU and support and full presence of the USA is an agreement that will make possible the free movement of people and goods between our two states. With this agreement, the Republic of Kosovo has closed the chapter of border control on all border crossing points along its borders.

Integrated border management, as a European model, guarantees the quick and easy passage of people and goods, but also simultaneously ensures that the responsible authorities of the Republic of Kosovo fight and prevent smuggling, trafficking and organized crime which has flourished especially in the last 12 years.

With this agreement, full legality and rule of law on the northern border of the Republic of Kosovo has been established. But, at the same time, this agreement is a ‘de jure’ recognition, in one meaning or another, by Serbia of the Republic of Kosovo, thus of the borders between Serbia and Kosovo and Kosovo’s six border crossings with Serbia.

Furthermore, the legislation of the Republic of Kosovo will be implemented in full by all law enforcement agencies of the Republic of Kosovo, the police, customs, veterinary agencies etc.

While EULEX, at our invitation, will be there in accordance with its mandate which it has at the invitation of the institutions of the Republic of Kosovo. Thus it will monitor and support the implementation of European standards for integrated border management.

All state symbols of the Republic of Kosovo will be present along the borders of the Republic of Kosovo as they are now, just as they are at Merdare, they will be at border points 1 and 31.

This agreement has established full legality and rule of law on the northern border of the Republic of Kosovo.

Allow me to greet and welcome the conclusions of the EU Council of Ministers issued last night for Kosovo, which will be reconfirmed at the EU summit on December 9. Their four conclusions are greeted and welcomed by the Government of the Republic of Kosovo: first, a clear European agenda for Kosovo; second, visa liberalization dialogue starts this year, in the coming days; third, contractual relations between the EU and Kosovo through a trading agreement and access to many EU financing programs; and fourth, the promise of the EU Council of Ministers for Kosovo’s full support by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

What is necessary now, from the witnesses and guarantors of inter-state agreements, is close monitoring of the implementation of the agreement for integrated border management so that Serbia doesn’t violate the agreement, as it has done previously, and this will be requested in coming days from Brussels and the US.

But, implementation of the agreements reached in Brussels will be a condition for both countries’ European integration and perspective.

There will be no blank check of support for anyone without implementing the agreements, and Kosovo will be responsible in implementation so that it has full control of its borders, integrated management, rule of law in the north, freedom of movement, a joint effort for free elections there, so we have economic investment and close cooperation between the institutions of the Republic of Kosovo and local authorities.

As the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, we want to serve all citizens regardless of ethnicity and I believe that the entire Kosovar spectrum and above all the Government of the Republic of Kosovo are supportive of and committed to this end. 

Last modified: July 31, 2022

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