Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Thaçi meets Swiss Foreign Minister Mrs. Michelin Calmy-Rey

March 28, 2008

Prishtina, 28 March 2008

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosova, Mr. Hashim Thaçi, met today with the Swiss Foreign Minister, Mrs. Michelin Calmy-Rey.

On this occasion, Mr. Thaçi thanked the Swiss Foreign Minister for her clear stance before and after the declaration of independence. At the same time he also thanked her for the recognition by Switzerland of Kosova as a sovereign, independent and democratic state.

Now is the time to build bilateral links that will cover overall interstate relations between Kosova and Switzerland, said the Prime Minister adding that above all these relations will focus on the economic cooperation, but without leaving other fields aside.

Prime Minister Thaçi briefed the Swiss Foreign Minister on the priorities of the Government and of the institutions of Kosova linked to building of democratic order, respect for minorities, respect of rule of law, good governance and Kosova’s perspective for integration in NATO and EU structures.

Prime Minister Thaçi told the senior Swiss delegation that Kosova provides a safe and favorable environment for businesses and called on Swiss investors to invest in Kosova.

The Swiss Foreign Minister, Michelin Calmy-Rey, said that after the declaration of independence, Kosova can develop both politically and economically and expressed her belief that Kosova will have a bright future.

Mrs. Calmy-Rey said that her country, Switzerland, will extend cooperation activities especially in the field of economic development, building of democratic institutions and rule of law, public infrastructure, with a focus on energy and water sectors, and other projects aiming at community support.

Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi was pleased to receive an invitation by Mrs. Michelin Calmy-Rey for an official visit to Switzerland.

Last modified: July 28, 2022

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