Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Thaçi: Kosovo’s Security Force in the near future will be part of Euro-Atlantic structures, and part of NATO

November 22, 2011

Speech by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Hashim Thaçi at the ceremony of changing of command of the Kosovo Security Force

Prishtina, 22 November 2011

Allow me on behalf of the Kosovo Government to welcome you all and say how privileged I feel to participate in this ceremony of the changing of command of the Kosovo Security Force.

Today, General Sylejman Selimi handed over his duties to the future commander of FSK, General Kadri Kastrati. This is a clear indication that FSK has reached a high professional standard in the aspect of building capacities, in managing its work successfully and its structure.

Allow me publicly as Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo and as his co-fighter to thank the former commander, General Sylejman Selimi for his excellent work in leading FSK.

The duties and mission that FSK has successfully accomplished up to now speak clearly of his professional work in building and advancing FSK, and the excellent job done by General Selimi.

This work has been recruiting members of FSK, building initial capacities in 2009, cooperating with NATO structures, deepening cooperation with KFOR, and signing the agreement with the National Guard of Iowa.

FSK is a multi-ethnic and gender inclusive force. FSK is modern, professional and up to NATO standards. I have no doubt that the new commander, General Kadri Kastrati, who today is taking charge of FSK, will continue the good work started by General Selimi.

Commander Kastrati should feel very proud and privileged to have the opportunity today to lead this modern force, which has been built to the highest NATO standards.

So from Commander Kastrati, and from all officers and non-commissioned officers and FSK members, I anticipate the continuation of your professional work, so that FSK is ready to confront new challenges.

The Government of the Republic of Kosovo is proud of its security structures in the country, and especially with FSK. This ceremonial changing of command should help us to remember where we were yesterday, what we have achieved today and what we aim at tomorrow.

To remember Kosova’s path from past slavery to today’s freedom, toward our well-being and development.

 Seeing your development and professionalism, I see great will for development, security and equality. I believe deeply in FSK’s potential and I am convinced that your serious and professional work will be valued by all and will guarantee the security of our children and commemorate the sacrifice of our fathers.

Distinguished General Selimi,

Once again, personally but also as Prime Minister of Kosovo, on behalf of the Kosovo Government allow me to thank you for your excellent work, wishing you success in your civilian career, and to you and your family.

Today, the Kosovo Government and people of Kosovo feel proud of your work and that of your colleagues.

Distinguished new commander General Kastrati,

On behalf of the Kosovo Government I confirm our full support for your future work so that FSK in the near future becomes part of Euro-Atlantic structures and part of NATO.

I have complete trust in our joint success.

Thank you

Last modified: July 31, 2022

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