Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Thaçi: Kosovo’s European perspective has translated into concrete offer by all the EU member states

December 10, 2011

The statement by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Hashim Thaçi, in today’s press conference upon his return from an official visit to Brussels 
Prishtina, 10 December 2011

Honorable citizens of the Republic of Kosovo 
Allow me to welcome on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo the conclusions of the Summit of the European Union leaders. 
And the messages put across, which are very clear. 
The process of integration in the European structures completely depends on the implementation of the requirements it contains and on the European attitude to neighborhood for each and every state. 

It is the first time that the reiterated European perspective for Kosovo has been translated in a concrete offer, in a unified way, by all the European Union member states. 
The yesterday’s summit confirmed the conclusions by the Foreign Affairs Ministers, which for Kosovo clearly foresee the launch of the dialogue on visa liberalization, opening of negotiations on trade relations, access of Kosovo to Community programs along Kosovo’s membership in the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development – EBRD.

Having one third of our citizens living in the Diaspora, mainly in the European Union countries, the visa liberalization process is probably the most important one for our families. 

But, as Prime Minister, I consider that the establishment of contractual relations of Kosovo with the EU, through trade relations and access to community programs, marks a new historical chapter for the relations between the state of Kosovo and the European Union. 

As Prime Minister of the country, I am aware that there is a lot of work in the process until the full implementation of the European values and standards in Kosovo. 

I am aware of the challenges that we have, especially in the field of the rule of law, fight on corruption and reforming of the public administration. 

I promise in front of you today that all the tasks deriving from this process will be implemented in a record time. I assure you that I will personally supervise the implementation of the agenda on visa liberalization and trade relations. 
Honorable citizens of Kosovo,
Another fact was also confirmed yesterday, that the constructive, responsible and European approach that we have shown in the process of the dialogue with Serbia has been beneficial for Kosovo and no one else. 

We have often and unfairly been accused of naively facilitating Serbia’s journey toward the EU, through the dialogue taking place in Brussels. 

In fact, what was expected to happen did happen, the complete opposite: it has been publicly stated that the path of Serbia to the EU passes through the normalization of relations with the state of Kosovo. In Brussels there will be no going back from this European standard. 

Kosovo has committed to good neighborhood and today I confirm that we want and we will be working on the Europeanization of the region and building of healthy relations between us and all the neighbors, including Serbia. 
Allow me to also thank the opposition parties, which, be it through their contribution in the Parliament, or through concrete ideas, have supported the European agenda. 

I would especially like to thank the mayors of all the municipalities in Kosovo, without any exception, each and every one of them, for their commitment to carry out the obligations related to the visa liberalization process. Without their commitment, the visa liberalization dialogue could not have succeeded.
Honorable citizens, 
We have a very ambitious agenda ahead of us, which we can only implement by working together. 
Only united around the vision for a democratic Kosovo, well-governed, for the rule of law and democratic reforms can and will we make the European Kosovo.
We will integrate Kosovo in NATO and the EU based on merits. 
Thank you!

Last modified: July 31, 2022

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