Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Thaçi: Kosovo, with the new municipalities, multiethnic society, as a state united, will be a member of the European Union and NATO

December 14, 2011

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Hashim Thaçi, participated today in the regular meeting of the Inter-ministerial Group for Decentralization. The head of ICO, Peter Faith, was also attending this meeting. Below we are providing the full remarks of Prime Minister Thaçi:

Pristina, December 14, 2011

Honoured Mr. Faith,
Honoured ministers,
Dead guests present,

First of all allow me to thank you for your attendance to this meeting and for your significant work which you are performing continually but at the same time to express the continued support of the government in the important process of reforming local government or decentralization.

I would like to thank all representatives of all respective countries for the full support they have provided to the Government of the Republic of Kosovo in our joint engagements also with the International Civilian Office, concretely, Mr. Faith, in implementing this process, which is not an easy process but an important one.

Decentralization and supporting local government in performing its duties continues to remain one of the priority areas for the Government of the Republic of Kosovo today, but also in the future.

Decentralization is a principle of the system of democratic governance and one of the principles for a good governance.

The main purpose for the decentralization of the government is to provide better public services in all sectors and to all citizens in every corner of the territory of the Republic of Kosovo.

After three years, decentralization in Kosovo yielded its fruits which are tangible and visible to all.

I can freely say that the Republic of Kosovo is the best example in the region in terms of decentralization.

Three years since its commencement, decentralization has directly impacted the improvement of the life of all citizens of the Republic of Kosovo with no distinction to ethnicity.

The greatest impact is precisely on the integration of the Serbian community in municipalities inhabited by them in majority.

Today, the Serbian community in Kosovo is integrated and composes a full part of the Kosovar society institutions.

Apart from its political effect, the decentralization process also has a direct impact in the citizens’ decision-making life on matters related to their life and future, of health care, education, municipal services, building infrastructures, sustainable local development and other related matters.

This process shall continue in yielding its fruits which the citizens are continually noticing and feeling these changes.

Dear participants,

The inter-ministerial Group for Decentralization has done an excellent job towards implementing decentralization reforms in all the sector of the governance.

The support of the International Civilian Office, as the overseer of the plan of President Ahtisaari, has been and remains extremely important in completing the process of decentralization.

The success in carrying competencies to municipalities has been obvious. It was also greatly invested in preparing capacities in these municipalities in order to add new competencies that they truly provide services which would improve each step of the life of each citizen of Kosovo.

This approach pursued thus far throughout Kosovo should also continue in municipalities in the north in order that all citizens of Kosovo would feel equal in feeling the supporting offer of the Government of Kosovo, so they may be integrated and feel Kosovo as their home.

The work performed thus far shows that we are on the right track in attaining these objectives even though we are still facing with challenges which we must jointly overcome also with the support of the entire international community.

Honourable guests present,

We have always been and are aware that the implementation of decentralization and the establishment of new municipalities has not and will not be easy to apply it on the ground.

Kosovo, with the new municipalities, with its citizens, the multiethnic society, as a state united, will become a member of the European Union and NATO.

I want to emphasize that the success in the local administration process reform has given the full image and the content of the new Kosovo, that of the European Kosovo.

I thank you and encourage you for the work done so far in preparing and implementing local government reforms while the work continues with its greatest efforts and in full compliance with the package of President Ahtisaari, the Constitution of Kosovo and the legislation in force.

Last modified: July 31, 2022

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