Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Thaçi: I will communicate with every citizen of the Republic of Kosovo at every corner of the territory of our state

December 2, 2011

Prishtina, 2 December 2011

Following there is the full transcript of the press conference by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Hashim Thaçi, held after the regular meeting of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo 

Question: Mr. Prime Minister, are you going to endlessly participate in negotiations, or is Prishtina going to withdraw and say enough is enough? 

Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi: 
The state of Kosovo has very clear stances, everything will be respected and in line with the President Ahtisaari’s document, with the Constitution and our laws. The current issues under discussion are technical and any attempt to go beyond these documents is something insurmountable for Prishtina.

Therefore, our position is very clear, our approach has been very creative, and always in search of solutions in line with the European model. 

Part of this has been the integrated border management issue, which is a highly European model that should prevail also in our region, between Kosovo and the neighboring countries, with Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro and also with Serbia, to be always in the service of peace, stability and communication between our countries and the other countries and the people in the region. 

Our ideas are fully in line with the European standards and values and we will keep firm in our positions we have presented and which are in full compliance with our Constitution and our laws. 

Question: With regards to the Integrated Border Management, the President of the Assembly, Jakup Krasniqi, has also expressed some reservations, as Serbia has not yet recognized us. 

Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi: 
Integrated border management is fully in line with the Constitution and our laws. The Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo has itself adopted the Law on Integrated Border Management, as it is a European model and standard. 

I have read parts of that law also at the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo, so that we continue to be in full compliance with the Constitution and the laws and to stay away from political premises or connotations. 

Question: Does that imply that your opponents should read the law? 

Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi: 
As this is a very straightforward question, it would be the best that the laws are attentively read before they are voted. 

I have full trust and I thank all the MPs that have voted in favor of the Law on Integrated Border Management as it is a high European standard and value.

And I thank Mr. Krasniqi too, all the Assembly Presidency, the parliamentary groups and all the political parties in Kosovo that voted it. 

Question: You have said that you will engage in a dialogue with the citizens in the north, but not with the illegal structures. How are you going to meet the local citizens there, are you going to go from door to door? 

Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi: 
It is my constitutional, legal and also civic obligation to communicate with all the citizens of the country, to be in the service of all the citizens of the country. I will always be amongst them, so that we start changing their lives for the better, so that we start with socio-economic investments.

Of course, there must first be the rule of law established, there should be democracy and free elections, there should be legitimate leadership and legal institutions, normal constitutional and legal communication.

Our entire will, determination and responsibility focuses on integration of that community in the Kosovo society and the Kosovo institutions, so that they are spared from the 12-year long deceit by Belgrade and also released from the fear and threats by the illegal and criminal structures. 

I will communicate with every citizen of the Republic of Kosovo at every corner of the territory of the Republic of Kosovo, regardless of their ethnic background. I will be in the service of all. 

Question: Are you happy with the work of ministers? Can we expect movements or you are happy with their work? 

Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi: 
Of course that a major work is being done, everyone is carrying out their responsibilities based on the authority and responsibilities that I have trusted in them. 

So, there will come a time for the evaluation of all the work of the Government, including respective ministries. 

Question: Is the visa liberalization guide likely to be received next week? 

Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi: 
Definitively, I have full trust and we have accomplished all the technical requirements so that Kosovo deserves to get the visa liberalization guide. 

Question: Are you going to travel next week to Brussels? Will a lack of an agreement with Belgrade be an obstacle for gaining the visa liberalization guide? 

Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi: 
In fact, Kosovo has deserved the visa liberalization guide for two years now, and we were promised it two years ago, also last year, by the most high ranking officials of the European Union and the European Commission. 

An invitation by European officials in Brussels is not linked with technical matters, but it is a meeting between the European Union high ranking officials and the Prime Minister of Kosovo. 

It is a normal visit, of advancing of cooperation, but at the same time also of extending of space and clarity of the European perspective of the Republic of Kosovo. 

Question: Prime Minister, you mentioned a while ago that you will travel to the north to talk to the citizens there, when is this going to happen? 

Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi: 
This is happening every day, I am amongst the citizens every day and at every corner of the territory of the Republic of Kosovo, and I will continue to do so also in the future.

So, all this should be seen as something normal, ordinary and as something very positive. Everyone of us should be concerned when the leaders do not communicate with the citizens and not when the leaders are amongst them. 

Question: Is it expected that Kosovo will have contractual relations with the EU? When is the work of the Government going to be analyzed? 

Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi: 
With regards to the Government, I am reiterating again: this Government Cabinet is the best and the most qualitative that Kosovo has ever had in its political history. 

With this Government Cabinet, we have a new generation of people governing in Kosovo that represents a new mentality, fully Western, modern and with a vision for the development of Kosovo, for the rule of law and the European perspective. 

Of course, more can be done, and every day all the ministers are proving dedication in their work. 

With regards to the European perspective, all the countries, although five EU member states have not yet recognized Kosovo, are unified in supporting the European perspective of Kosovo.  

Last modified: July 31, 2022

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