Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister of Republic of Kosova Mr Hashim Thaçi met today Ms Cindy McCain who was accompanied by HALO director Mr Guy Willoughby

March 26, 2008

Prishtina, 26 March 2008
Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi expressed his and his Government’s appreciation for the contribution of Ms. McCain, Mr. Willoughby and HALO organization for their important role in the process of dealing with the consequences of the war in Kosova, in particular, in clearing minefields, which posed a potential risk for the lives and the property of the people of Kosova.

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosova, Mr. Hashim Thaçi, also stressed the irreplaceable role of the United States of America in building a free, independent and democratic Kosova.

Last modified: July 31, 2022

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