Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister of Republic of Kosova Mr Hashim Thaçi: Kosova is being built as a multiethnic country of equal opportunities and affirmative action for minorities, particularly for Serbs

March 26, 2008

Prishtina, 26 March 2008
The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosova, Mr. Hashim Thaçi, received in a meeting today a delegation from the European Parliament led by Mr. Graham Watson. On this occasion, Prime Minister Thaçi briefed the European parliamentarians on the engagement of the Government of Kosova in an effort to successfully deal with challenges and responsibilities with regards to economic development, implementation of democratic reforms in economy, politics and legislation, and also on the responsibilities of Prishtina to contribute to building of good cooperation with all the neighbors.
“Kosova has created an environment of peace and stability, also of cooperation in our region, and at the same time, the institutions of Kosova are working as hard as the current conditions and circumstances allow to bring Kosova as close as possible to the integration in NATO and the European Union structures,” said Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi.
The Prime Minister also expressed the engagement of the Kosova institutions in building a democratic environment, and a democratic, effective and multiethnic governance. Kosova is being built as a multiethnic country of equal opportunities and affirmative action for the minority communities, especially Serbs.
The Prime Minister reiterated the commitment of the Government of Kosova to ensure international guarantees for the territorial integrity of the state of Kosova so that in the future it can build good relations also with Serbia, as two neighboring and independent countries.
On behalf of the European Parliament’s delegation, Mr. Graham Watson, expressed the continuous commitment of the Euro-parliamentarians in support of the independence of Kosova. Mr. Watson also expressed his happiness to congratulate the Prime Minister on the independence of Kosova.

The European parliamentarians pointed out that they will be engaged in supporting Kosova in the process of integration in the European Union. Mr. Graham Watson said that their engagement will continue in supporting processes of Euro-Atlantic integration and of liberalization of visas for the citizens of Kosova to travel to the European Union member states. 

Last modified: July 31, 2022

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