Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti’s remarks at the farewell reception of the American Embassy in Kosova

August 31, 2022

Photo credit: US Embassy

Prishtina, August 30, 2022

What a great gathering Nick, what a mistake for you to leave, what a mistake for us to agree to this. I cannot believe that we’re having a party while marking your departing from Kosova. I must admit that there has been some diplomats in the past whose farewell parties we certainly enjoyed… but not yours, never yours.


Good evening everyone,
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Giacobbe,
Dear Ambassador Hovenier,
Dear Laura,
Dear members of the parliament and ministers of the government,
Dear friends and partners, local and international,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

It has been a great pleasure and honor to get to know and work with Nick during these three years. There are not too many people I like very much and whom I met after winning elections for the first time. But, certainly, Nick is one of them.

I’ve had a dozen of official meetings with him, usually when he replaced ambassador Kossnet or ambassador Hovenier. And, I have had dozens of encounters at different international receptions with him, including farewell parties for others, without ever thinking that one day we’ll do his.

In all these short meetings, just as in those longer meetings, Nick Giaccobe always shows a unique trait of his character, namely, a profound, yet, a joyful sincerity. There are two proofs of this. Number one, your senses get overwhelmed by this profound and joyful sincerity radiating from his presence. Number two, at starting a conversation with Nick you may feel guilty without doing anything wrong.

The bond between Republic of Kosova and the United States of America gets ever stronger with diplomats like him. Thank you Nick for all the good work in contribution, all the dedication in engagement. I believe that you will never forget Kosova and its people, whereas for us it is already impossible to forget you. Your desire for progress in Kosova helped our self-confidence for the same.

Dear participants of this evening,

You know all too well that whoever meets and cooperates with Nick, it is very difficult not to become friends with him. So, my dear friend Nick, I wish you further successes wherever you go, whatever you do. And, please send me a text message from your new and next phone number.

Best of luck! And, here’s to Nick, cheers!

Last modified: September 1, 2022

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