Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti’s full remarks at the farewell reception of EU’s ambassador to Kosova

July 9, 2024

Prishtina, 9 July, 2024

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, participated in the farewell reception organized this evening by the EU Office in Kosovo, on the occasion of the end of the mandate of Ambassador Tomáš Szunyog as head of the EU office.

In his speech, he said that the European Union represents the future for Kosovo – a family of nations in which our country aspires to join and contribute, with which we share common values and have the same goals for the future. “It is no coincidence that Kosovo is currently the most pro-EU country, with ninety-five percent of citizens supporting membership in the European Union,” said the Prime Minister.

Further, he spoke about the achievements of our country during these last three years, when Ambassador Szunyog served as the head of the EU office in Kosovo: “During your mandate, Kosovo marked important achievements on the way to integration in the European Union. The most historic ones were our application for membership in the EU at the end of 2022, as well as the liberalization of visas, which started this year”, said the Prime Minister.

He singled out another key moment: the Country Report of 2022. This report is considered one of the best ever for Kosovo and among the best in the Western Balkans, where the realization of a series of long overdue reforms was evidenced. Some of them are the adoption of the law on elections and the law on the financing of political parties, the creation of publicly owned customs terminals, the increase of the minimum wage, the beginning of dual education, as well as the achievements in the rule of law and the fight against corruption and organized crime.

In conclusion, the Prime Minister expressed his appreciation for the contribution of Ambassador Szunyog and wished him further success in his next assignment.

Prime Minister Kurti’s complete speech in English:

Your excellency ambassador Tomáš Szunyog, European Union Special Representative in Kosova,
Honorable ministers of the Government and members of Parliament,
Dear ambassadors and representatives of diplomatic missions in Kosova,
Members and representatives of our state institutions and civil society organizations,
Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,
Thank you for this opportunity to address you on the occasion of bidding farewell to Tomáš Szunyog, Head of the EU Office in Kosova.
After so many letters of demarches that Tomáš has read to me over the past three years, it is finally my turn to read one to him.Mine is a thank you note.
Dear Ambassador Szunyog,
Dear Tomáš,

Your tenure, which coincides with mine, has been an eventful one. While occasionally it was marked by tension it has been mostly dominated by concrete and historic results that are often overlooked.

I want to thank you for all the meetings and conversations and deliberations we have had together, which have been many, and for your active presence in so many areas of our governance.

The European Union represents the future for Kosova—a family of nations that our country aspires to join and contribute to – we certainly share common values and have same goals for the future. It is no surprise that Kosova currently is the most pro-EU country, with ninety-five percent of people supporting membership in the European Union. Therefore, by representing our future with such a great will, European Union is always already our present time, as well.

During your term, Kosova marked significant achievements in the EU integration path. The most historic were our application for membership in the European Union at the end of 2022 and visa liberalization at the beginning of this year.

I have received many letters and documents from you, Tomáš, but the one I was most fond of was the 2022 Country Report. It was considered one of the best ever for Kosova and among the best in the Western Balkans. This positive report was the result of our delivery on long-overdue reforms, such as the approval of the electoral law and the law on financing of political parties, the creation of publicly owned customs terminals, an increase in the minimum wage, the introduction of dual education, and achievements in the rule of law and fight against corruption and organized crime, among many others.

Your departure marks the end of an era in a literal sense, too: ERA II, known as the European Reform Agenda. ERA II began and concluded during your tenure, achieving a 72% implementation rate. In comparison, ERA I was implemented at 45%. This improvement in ERA II demonstrates our growing capabilities over the years and our dedication to the EU reform agenda and our collaboration and partnership.

All these important and historic events occurred during your mandate. So, as you depart, I want to express our appreciation for all your attention and efforts and contributions to our country and our people and wish you all the best in your future role and endeavors.

Thank you.


Last modified: July 10, 2024

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