Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti’s address at the 130th meeting of the Government

February 22, 2023

Prishtina, 22 February, 2023

Dear Deputy Prime Ministers, Ministers and Deputy Ministers,
Dear citizens,

Today we have a meeting perhaps shorter than usual, but with an important item on the agenda. We are establishing the structure for drafting the Anti-Corruption Strategy.

In these nearly two years of governance, we have convincingly and continuously demonstrated the will to fight crime and corruption, as well as reforms in justice and public administration. Even through our daily actions, and through the annual assessments of international reports such as the Transparency International index or the European Union Country Report.

In addition to the will and courage to implement the laws in force, we have also approved other laws here, which would implement the reforms of our governing program and the changes for which our citizens voted en masse two years ago.

Law on the Prosecutorial Council, which foresees the reform in the justice system; then the law on Public Officials, which foresees the reform in the public administration; and the law on the Bureau of Unjustified Asset Forfeiture, which provides for the fight against corruption and injustice, are some of these.

However, not by chance, all three of these laws, together with the Law on temporary protective measures for the supply of basic products for citizens, through which the abuse was prevented by increasing the prices of basic products, have been sent to the Constitutional Court by the parliamentary opposition . In fact, the Law on the Prosecutorial Council has been pending for more than six months.

In the 15-year history of the independent state of Kosovo, it is not remembered that so many laws have been contested in the Constitutional Court in such a short time. Their contestation is a desperate attempt to paralyze the reforms. At the same time, it is an open opposition to social need, civic demand and the democratic will of February 14, 2021.

And despite this, our commitment remains the same. Only more zeal. Our walk will not stop. Today, we are taking the next step, with the Strategy against Corruption, which I am convinced that each of us will vote with great pleasure at this meeting.

Thank you.

Last modified: February 22, 2023

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