Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti welcomed the Director of the Srebrenica Genocide Memorial Center, Emir Suljagić

June 10, 2024


Prishtina, 10 June 2024
The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, welcomed to the meeting Emir Suljagić, Director of the Srebrenica Genocide Memorial Center, who is also a survivor of this genocide committed by Serbian forces in July 1995, in which over 8,000 Bosniaks were killed.
He welcomed them to Kosovo, on the 25th anniversary of the liberation of our country and the end of the ethnic cleansing and genocide of Serbia in Kosovo.
Appreciating the adoption of the United Nations resolution on July 11 as the International Day of Commemoration of the Srebrenica Genocide, the Prime Minister recalled that the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo has approved in July 2021 a special resolution condemning the Serbian genocide in Srebrenica.
The meeting evaluated the cooperation between the Institute for research and documentation of crimes committed during the war in Kosovo and the Srebrenica Memorial Center and the memorandum of cooperation that is expected to be signed.
The Prime Minister emphasized the Government’s commitment to comprehensive processes of transitional justice, as well as the finalization of the first Strategy of the Republic of Kosovo for Transitional Justice.
It was said that for peace in the Balkans, Serbia must face its past and be held responsible for the crimes, massacres and genocides committed, and that those responsible for the crimes committed during the war be brought to justice.
Thanking the Prime Minister for the meeting, Mr. Suljagić expressed his gratitude for the warm hospitality he is receiving in Kosovo and reiterated the potential of cooperation between Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Last modified: June 11, 2024

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