Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti welcomed specialists from Presheva, Medvegja and Bujanoc, Albania, North Macedonia and Montenegro

February 2, 2024

Pristina, February 02, 2024

This afternoon, the Prime Minister’s office hosted specialists from Presheva, Medvegja and Bujanoc, Albania, North Macedonia and Montenegro, who were welcomed by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, and the Minister of Health, Arben Vitia.

In the past meeting of the Government, the 186th in order, the payment for 375 self-financed specialists from Kosovo, as well as 21 from the regional countries, was approved, a decision that, as Prime Minister Kurti said, demonstrates the unceasing commitment and equal treatment also in the aspect of financial support for our compatriots.

For us, collaboration for the protection and advancement of Albanian rights is not only a need, but a necessity of time and therefore our obligation. “Consequently, with this purpose, our dedication is constant and will continue to grow,” declared the Prime Minister.

On this occasion, the Minister of Health, Arben Vitia, emphasized that the Government’s Instructions aim to do the utmost to ensure that specialists from Albanian territories are not discriminated against, while adding that they will provide the maximum for their education with full confidence that they will produce extraordinary specialists in various fields and contribute to the places where they live.

During the meeting, Prime Minister Kurti added that in order to coordinate and continue to care for compatriots in neighboring countries, he has appointed Ms. Ardita Sinani as Political Advisor and we have regular communication with Albanian political representatives in the region.

Likewise, in 2023, we allocated budgetary resources for the support of the Albanian National Council to advocate in the major decision-making centers for our nation, while we also set aside a quarter of a million euros to equip Albanian students of primary schools in the municipalities of Presheva, Medvegja and Bujanoc with textbooks in the Albanian language, he added.

Furthermore, next year’s budget will once again be a budget for the Albanians of the Presheva Valley, Medvegja, and Bujanovac. “Indeed, we are continuing this from year to year and we are adding another million, compared to the current year, from two to three million for the year 2024 and this support is the highest ever,” concluded Prime Minister Kurti, thanking and wishing success to all specialists.

Prime Minister Kurti’s full speech:

Thank you very much, Honorable Minister of Health, Arben Vitia,
Honorable specialists of Presheva, Medvegja and Bujanoci, Albania, North Macedonia and Montenegro,
Sisters and brothers, ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to the Prime Minister’s office.

I am greatly pleased by the fact that today we are here for a significant achievement, both for the education of Albanians and for our democratic governance, which is a continuation of our uninterrupted commitment, and now also empowering and extremely important for our compatriots, for you in neighboring countries.

At the last meeting, the 186th in a row of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, we have approved the payment for 375 self-financed specialists from Kosovo, as well as 21 from the regional countries. Specialists from Presheva, Medvegja and Bujanoc, Albania, North Macedonia and Montenegro are treated equally even in terms of financial support.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Health, Arben Vitia, has taken other steps to support specialists, beyond the financial aspect.

The Government of the Republic of Kosovo is consistently caring for compatriots, hence also for Presheva, Medvegja and Bujanoc, I have appointed Mrs. Ardita Sinani as Political Advisor. Also, we have regular communication and continuous coordination with the Albanian political representatives in the region.

During the year 2023, we allocated budgetary resources for the Support of the National Albanian Council and their representatives to advocate in the major decision-making centers for our nation. Following this, we allocated a quarter of a million euros to equip Albanian primary school students in the municipalities of Presheva, Medvegja, and Bujanovac with textbooks in the Albanian language.

Moreover, next year’s budget will again be a budget for the Albanians of the Presheva Valley, Medvegja, and Bujanovac. Indeed, we are continuing this from year to year and we are adding another million, compared to the current year that is, from two to three million for the year 2024 and this support is the highest ever, and it is more than all previous governments combined.

For us, collaboration for the protection and advancement of Albanian rights is not only a need, but a necessity of time and therefore our obligation. Therefore, for this purpose, our commitment is continuous and will keep increasing.

I thank you immensely for the lessons, jobs, commitment and contribution you make and I wish you ever greater successes in the future where we also wish to be a part in order to assist you so that you can have a more accomplished professional and personal life, but also contribute more to society and the entire nation.

Thank you!

Last modified: February 7, 2024

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