Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti welcomed in a farewell meeting the Head of the EU Office in Kosovo, Tomáš Szunyog

July 22, 2024

Prishtina, 22 July 2024

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, welcomed the Head of the European Union Office in Kosovo, Tomáš Szunyog, in a farewell meeting.

In an open and friendly conversation, Prime Minister Kurti thanked Ambassador Szunyog for the good cooperation and for his involvement and contribution throughout the mandate in internal and public discussions.

The Prime Minister singled out the submission in 2022 of Kosovo’s application for membership in the European Union, the liberalization of visas in 2024, the high level of fulfillment of the European Reform Agenda (ERA 2) and the positive evaluations in the country’s report for 2022, as some of Kosovo’s achievements in the field of European integration, free movement and European reforms that have been marked during Ambassador Szunyog’s mandate.

It was also emphasized the good cooperation and the important support of the European Union for Kosovo in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic and in the energy transition.

Prime Minister Kurti wished Ambassador Szunyog success in his next engagements.

Ambassador Szunyog assumed the office of Head of the EU Office in Kosovo/EU Special Representative on September 1, 2020.

Last modified: July 22, 2024

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