Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti visited the Bunjaku family and paid tribute to the grave of the Hero Afrim Bunjaku on the anniversary of his fall

September 24, 2024

Vushtrri, 24 September, 2024

Under the patronage of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, on the occasion of marking the first anniversary of the fall of the Hero Afrim Bunjaku, marking activities were organized. On this occasion, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, accompanied by the Speaker of the Assembly, Glauk Konjufca, visited the family of the Hero of Kosovo, Afrim Bunjaku, this morning and then paid tribute to his grave on the anniversary of his death.

In marking this important date in the history of Kosovo, Prime Minister Kurti recalled the heroic fall of Sergeant Afrim Bunjaku, which, according to him, is proof that Kosovo is both independent and victorious in every battle.

“In the early hours of the morning of September 24, one year ago, Kosovo Police Sergeant Afrim Bunjaku fell heroically in defense of constitutionality and legality, in defense of state sovereignty and territorial integrity, in defense of public order, of peace and security and in this way elevated the state of Kosovo not only for the people of Kosovo, but also for the international public opinion”, said Prime Minister Kurti, adding that the martyrs are the testimony of the lessons of history.

He reiterated the fact that Serbia is responsible, therefore it must give responsibility, while at this point we ask for the support, help and support of international factors.

Further, Prime Minister Kurti said that today with the high number of policemen and the increase in the morale of our police and army, Kosovo has no internal resources that threaten security or stability that we cannot control or manage.

“The number of police officers with young cadets is increasing, the morale of our police, and of our army, has never been higher. Therefore, this sacrifice, this sacrifice of the police sergeant, the hero of Kosovo, Afrim Bunjaku, has been well worth it for the police, for the state and for future generations”, he declared.

Together in this visit to the family members of the deceased, there were the Minister of Internal Affairs, Xhelal Sveçla and the Director of the Kosovo Police, Gazmend Hoxha, as they continued towards the village cemetery, accompanied by family members, ministers, deputies, ambassadors, and police, in honor of the life and contribution of the hero, Afrim Bunjaku.

Prime Minister Kurti’s media statement:

The martyrs are the testimony of the lessons of history. In the early hours of the morning of September 24, one year ago, Kosovo Police Sergeant, Afrim Bunjaku, fell heroically in defense of constitutionality and legality, in defense of state sovereignty and territorial integrity, in defense of public order, peace and of security and thus elevated the state of Kosovo not only for the people of Kosovo, but also for the international public opinion.

The fall of Afrim Bunjaku is evidence that Kosovo is both self-defeating and the enemy in every battle. Today, as we speak, Kosovo has no internal sources that threaten security or stability, which we cannot control or manage. Across Kosovo in every corner is the state of Kosovo, the state of the democratic and independent Republic of Kosovo, which they serve with honor and dedication.

The number of police officers with young cadets is increasing, the morale of our police, and of our army, has never been higher. Therefore, this sacrifice, this sacrifice of the police sergeant, the hero of Kosovo, Afrim Bunjaku, has been well worth it for the police, for the state and for future generations. When Afrim Bunjaku fell, not many other policemen fell, and those policemen who were in the battle with him did not allow the corpse of Afrim Bunjaku, the lifeless body of our hero, to fall into the hands of the enemy forces. And the forces which were financed and directed by Serbia with paramilitaries who had much more weapons than Afrim Bunjaku and his friends, fled in shame, left their dead and wounded and today they are hiding in Serbia, because they know that have lost the battle once and for all with our country and our freedom-loving people.

On this occasion, it should be emphasized that Serbia is responsible, therefore Serbia must give responsibility, and at this point we ask for the support, help, and support of international factors.

We will and are living the ideals of the martyrs for us, while we will and are perpetuating our memory of them. Today in Banjske of Zveçan, a sign has been placed that reads Afrim Bunjaku street. This is the path of all of us.

Glory to Afrim Bunjaku and all the martyrs of Kosovo!

Last modified: September 24, 2024

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