Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti took part in marking the National Day of Italy

June 4, 2024

Prishtina, 4 June, 2024

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, participated in the reception organized by the Italian Embassy, in the framework of marking the National Day of Italy.

During his speech, Prime Minister Kurti emphasized that “Italy has been an unwavering supporter of the development of security, defense and integration of Kosovo in the European community. For this we are deeply grateful”, adding that Kosovo shares a historical and important connection with Italy.

He recalled the role of Arber women in the building of the Italian state, as in the case of Michele Bianchi and Domenico Damis, two Arber women who fought alongside Giuseppe Garibaldi.
“Their contribution is an inspiring example of the role played by ethnic minorities in national history, demonstrating their commitment and sacrifice to the cause of Italian unity and independence. Currently, about a hundred Albanians are proudly competing in the Italian local elections that will be held on June 9 and 10 in Italy. This constitutes an important historical moment of civic engagement and representation for the Albanian community in Italy’s democratic process.” said the prime minister.

In this event, the prime minister also underlined the relations with Italy, which are characterized by strong diplomatic ties, economic exchanges and cultural interactions, including various sectors, from trade and investments to education and culture.

“Italian businesses are investing more and more in Kosovo, bringing innovation and expertise that contribute substantially to our economic growth,” he added.

In conclusion, Prime Minister Kurti expressed his gratitude to the Italian people and state, emphasizing that Italy and Kosovo continue to work together towards a brighter future, illuminated by peace, prosperity and common progress.

Prime Minister Kurti’s complete:

Dear ambassador of the Republic of Italy in Kosova,
Dear madame De Riu,
Dear ministers and deputy ministers,
Dear members of Parliament,
Dear ambassadors and other representatives of diplomatic missions in Kosova,
Distinguished guest,
Ladies and gentleman,

It is a pleasure and honor to be here today to celebrate the National Day of our friend, Italy. The 2nd of June, La Festa della Repubblica, marks the birth of the Italian Republic in 1946. The people of Kosova deeply understand the value of this achievement, having paid a significant price to gain our independence and establish our own Republic, while we still face the task of working toward full international recognition.

Italy has been a steadfast supporter of Kosova’s development security, defense and integration into the European community. For this we are profoundly grateful. With Italy we share a noteworthy historical bond.

Michele Bianchi and Domenico Damis are just two names of the Arbëreshë patriots who fought alongside Garibaldi. The Arbëreshë participated in several key battles, including the famous Battle of Calatafimi and the Siege of Gaeta. Their contribution is an inspiring example of the role played by ethnic minorities in national history, demonstrating their commitment and sacrifice for the cause of Italy’s unity and independence.

Currently, about a hundred Albanians are proudly competing in the Italian local elections to be held on June 9th and 10th in Italy. This constitutes an important milestone of civic engagement and representation for the Albanian community within Italy’s democratic process.

Our relationship with Italy is marked by strong diplomatic ties, economic exchanges, and cultural interactions. Our collaboration spans various sectors, from trade and investment to education and culture. Italian businesses are increasingly investing in Kosova, bringing innovation and expertise that contribute substantially to our economic growth. Another exceptionally generous contribution is Italy’s invaluable assistance in the field of healthcare, which has helped save the lives of hundreds of children and adults in Kosova. Meanwhile, educational partnerships and cultural initiatives strengthen the bonds between our peoples, fostering a deeper appreciation of our rich history and bountiful traditions.

This year is particularly important as Italy prepares to host the 50th G7 Summit. The theme, “Science for the Future: Challenges, Responsibilities, and Opportunities,” highlights the importance of scientific advancement in addressing global challenges. It resonates with both Italy and Kosova as we aim to harness the power of science and technology to build sustainable, resilient, and inclusive societies.

As we look ahead to this event, we are reminded of the critical role international cooperation plays in tackling issues like climate change, public health, and economic inequality. Together, we can leverage scientific research and technological innovation to build a better future for all.

I express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you. Today’s celebration is about reflecting on the past, celebrating successes and looking forward to the future with hope and optimism. Let us continue to work together, Italy and Kosova, towards an ever brighter future, illuminated by peace, prosperity, and shared progress.

On a personal note, the First Football World Cup I remember watching its games as a kid was the one in Spain in 1982. Back then Italy became champion of the world and the hero was Paolo Rossi. In few years I switched from Paolo Rossi to Vasco Rossi just before embarking into an everlasting journey of enjoying and admiring Italian classics in painting and music, literature and cinema. In between on-and-off, I did follow football too, namely the innumerous famous Italian giocatori.

Kosova wishes our friends “gli Azzurri” best of luck in the Euro 2024!

Grazie mille e viva l’Italia! Long live Italy and Kosova.

Thank you. Ju falemnderit.



Last modified: June 5, 2024

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