Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti: The massacre of the Bogujevci, Duriqi and Llugaliu families is proof of the Serbian genocide in Kosovo

March 28, 2023

Podujeva, March 28, 2023

“The massacre of the Bogujevci, Duriqi and Llugaliu families is evidence of Serbia’s genocide in Kosovo”, said the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, on the 24th anniversary of the massacre in Podujevë.

Accompanied by the Vice President of the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo, Saranda Bogujevci, the Chairman of the Government Committee on Missing Persons, Andin Hoti, the Mayor of Podujeva Municipality, Shpejtim Bulliqi and the Deputy of the Assembly, Armend Muja, Prime Minister Kurti paid tribute to the cemeteries of 16 killed members of the Bogujevci, Duriqi and Llugaliu families, in Podujeva, in the massacre carried out by the Serbian unit “Scorpions”.

On a day like this, we are full of pain, longing and sorrow for our loved ones, for these families, who lost and suffered so much, but at the same time we are proud of their endurance and the courage they are giving to all our people, said Prime Minister Kurti.

This crime, this massacre demands justice. As state institutions, as citizens of the Republic, as Albanians who love our country, we will never forget the debt we owe to the families who gave everything, but also the obligation to seek justice, because they were not killed since they had a given surname or given name or because they were from this or that country, but because they were Albanians, who wanted to live on their land, in their country, free and in peace, the Prime Minister emphasized.

Prime Minister Kurti called on the Prosecutor’s Office in Kosovo, in particular the prosecutors in the Special Prosecutor’s Office, to work day and night, because their duty and our general responsibility is to pursue criminals and bring justice.

Enver Duriqi was also present, whose 4 children, aged 3, 5, 8 and 10, were killed in this massacre, along with his wife and parents. His children born after the war, who bear the names of the children killed 24 years ago, were also in the tribute.

Prime Minister Kurti’s full statement at the tributes at the Bogujevci family cemetery:

We are coming here after visiting Izbica, where 147 Albanians were killed in Drenica, who were kidnapped while they were alive, shot, buried, exhumed, their corpses were stolen, sent to Serbia, buried there and then were exhumed and returned to Kosovo and not all of them, since 6 of them are still missing. I was there to pay my respects, in addition to President Vjosa Osmani Sadriu and our Minister of Justice, Albulena Haxhiu, and our leader, the Chairman of the Government Committee on Missing Persons, and those Disappeared by Violence, Andin Hoti.

We came in Llap, to Podujeva to remember and honor the victims of the Bogujevci, Duriqi and Llugaliu family, families, who were cruelly killed by the Serbian Unit “Scorpions” 24 years ago.

Seven children and seven women were killed. Seven children from the age of 2 to 15 years and today we have Saranda Bogujevci, Deputy Speaker of the Assembly, who had 16 family members killed in total and she survived 16 bullets that hit her body.

That infamous “Scorpions” unit is the same one that participated in the massacre of Srebrenica in July 1995 and the executioner Sasha Svjeton was sentenced to 20 years in prison in Serbia, but was released 3 and a half years early for “good behavior”. Meanwhile, a few months ago, we heard the news that he was arrested in Athens, Greece, as one of the main exponents of a drug cartel there.

So, organized crime and war criminals are closely related.

On a day like this, we are full of pain, longing and sorrow for our loved ones, for these families, who lost and suffered so much, but at the same time we are proud of their endurance and the courage they are giving to all our people.

Therefore, as state institutions, as representative politicians, as citizens of the Republic, as Albanians, we are always indebted to those who gave their lives for our freedom and at the same time we have an obligation as long as life lasts, to commit ourselves to justice for them.

The massacre of the Bogujevci, Duriqi and Llugaliu families is proof of the Serbian genocide in Kosovo.

Glory to the martyrs and hereos here in Podujeva in Llap, of the Bogujevci, Duriqi and Llugaliu families and all those who fell for freedom throughout Kosovo!

Prime Minister Kurti’s full statement at the Duriqi family cemetery:

Even the massacre of the Duriqi family 24 years ago is evidence of the Serbian genocide.

You see that here we have the Lapidary, where it is commemorated, so that the murder of four children, 3 years old, 5 years old, 8 years old and 10 years old, but also the wife and parents, will never be forgotten. Here we have the Duriqi brothers.

This crime, this massacre demands justice. As state institutions, as citizens of the Republic, as Albanians who love our country, we will never forget the debt we owe to the families who gave everything, but also the obligation to seek justice, because they were not killed since they had a given surname or given name or because they were from this or that country, but because they were Albanians, who wanted to live on their land, in their country, free and in peace.

May they rest in peace, but our souls, not only those of the Duriqi family, will not rest until there is justice, until both the order givers and the executors receive the necessary punishment.

On this occasion, I once again call on the Prosecutor’s Office in Kosovo, in particular the prosecutors in the Special Prosecutor’s Office, to work day and night, because their duty and our general responsibility is to pursue criminals and bring justice.

Glory to the martyrs of the Duriqi family, glory to all the martyrs of the nation!

Prime Minister Kurti’s full statement with the Duriqi family:

Enver Duriqi’s wife, 4 children and parents were killed. The children were aged 3, 5, 8 and 10 years. Enver Duriqi’s four children were killed on March 28, 1999.

He started a new life in these post-war years and has 4 children again and these children have the exact names of the children killed 24 years ago.

We have suffered a lot and we have lost a lot, but our people are a nation who do not stop and who love their country even more than themselves, so we will triumph, but we must do our best so that those who suffered so much are not left without the rehabilitation that justice brought them, so on this occasion, allow me to express my deep gratitude, thanks and bow before the courage of the Duriqi family and I wish that these children who bear the names of those murdered children have health, a prosperous and successful life.

Last modified: March 29, 2023

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