Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti sent a letter of condolence to the family of Professor Rexhep Ferri

June 6, 2024

Prishtina, 6 June, 2024

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, has consoled the family of the late professor Rexhep Ferri through a letter.

Expressing condolences on behalf of the people and the Government of Kosovo, the Prime Minister said that Rexhep Ferri, painter, professor and writer, was a bright figure of our national culture and art who will never be forgotten.

“Our esteemed professor, the distinguished doajeni Rexhep Ferri, from his beginnings in Peja, to his contributions as a lecturer and member of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Kosovo, left a rich artistic and educational legacy. His works have been highly acclaimed by critics and he has helped shape and elevate many young artists. The Republic of Kosovo will take care that his work is documented, protected and that every new generation recognizes his work”, wrote Prime Minister Kurti in a condolence letter.

Prime Minister Kurti’s complete condolence letter:

Dear Ferri family,

It was with deep pain that we received the news of the death of Rexhep Ferri. I express my sincere condolences on behalf of the people and the Government of Kosovo. Rexhep Ferri, painter, professor and writer, was a bright figure of our national culture and art who will never be forgotten.

Our esteemed professor, the distinguished dojani Rexhep Ferri, from his beginnings in Peja, to his contributions as a lecturer and member of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Kosovo, left a rich artistic and educational legacy. His works have been highly acclaimed by critics and he has helped shape and elevate many young artists. The Republic of Kosovo will ensure that his work is documented, protected and that every new generation recognizes his work.

Kosovo lost one of the most important figures of art and culture. Our deepest condolences to his family, friends and all who had the honor of knowing and working with him. Let us always remember and honor the life and work of Rexhep Ferri.

With respect and longing,
Albin Kurti
Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo

Last modified: June 7, 2024

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