Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti: Registration of the Population, essential for informed decision-making, social justice and sustainable development

February 14, 2024

Prishtina, 14 February, 2024

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, participated today in the meeting and the discussion table entitled “Registration of the Population, Family Economies and Housing in Kosovo 2024″ organized by the Statistics Agency of Kosovo.

In his speech he said that this registration is more than a count; it is our commitment to address the needs of citizens without distinction and the basis for decisions that will affect the future of Kosovo.
“The registration provides accurate and complete demographic, socio-economic and geographic data, which are essential for informed decision-making at every level. These statistics help guide policies and services for the benefit of citizens, increasing transparency and accountability in democracy. They also help in more efficient allocation of resources for services provided by the public sector”, said the Prime Minister.

Therefore, he reaffirms the Government’s commitment to the registration of population process, which is essential for informed decision-making, for the promotion of social justice and sustainable development.
The government has allocated the necessary budget, provided spaces for training and provided logistics, engaging in inter-institutional and international coordination to guarantee a quality and comprehensive registration. The prime minister himself, within a short period of about 1 and a half months, has visited KAS twice where he was welcomed by the executive director, closely followed the preparations and offered personal support for a process which exceeds electoral cycles in terms of value and the importance it has.

Prime Minister Kurti’s complete speech:

Thank you very much Mr. Avni Kastrati, Head of the Statistics Agency of Kosovo,
Dear representatives of foreign diplomatic missions,
Honorable Ambassador Tomáš Szunyog, Head of the EU Mission in Kosovo,
Ladies and gentleman,

It is with great pleasure that I join you and at the same time welcome you to this key meeting of the registration of population in Kosovo in 2024. I thank KAS for organizing and also for engaging in this vital process for our short, medium and long-term future. This registration is more than a count; it is our commitment to address the needs of citizens without distinction and the basis for decisions that will affect the future of Kosovo.

The registration provides accurate and complete demographic, socio-economic and geographic data, which are essential for informed decision-making at every level. These statistics help guide policies and services for the benefit of citizens, increasing transparency and accountability in democracy. They also help in more efficient allocation of resources for services provided by the public sector.

In November 2023, the Government of Kosovo, at the proposal of the Kosovo Statistics Agency, decided to postpone the registration of population to April 2024. This postponement provided more time for preparation and ensured that all legal and supporting aspects to be in place for a successful registration process. The government has allocated the necessary budget, provided spaces for training and provided logistics, engaging in inter-institutional and international coordination to guarantee a quality and comprehensive registration. During a short period of about 1 and a half months, I visited KAS twice where I was welcomed by the executive director and discussed together with his colleagues to closely follow the preparations and offer personal support as prime minister for a process that surpasses electoral cycles in terms of its value and importance.

International institutions such as the European Union, the United Nations, the IMF and the World Bank rely on statistical data for decision-making, which they obtain through registration of population. Kosovo, as an active partner and in cooperation in the Western Balkans with organizations such as UNECE, Eurostat and OECD, aims to comply with international recommendations, standards and nomenclature for statistics, guaranteeing the comparability of data. The registration of population in Kosovo has continuous international support and for this we are grateful to all of you. We will follow the best practices in other countries and in this way make our Kosovo a part of the world where data is compared and it becomes the best that can be known. This not only strengthens international integration, but also increases the value of the Kosovo Statistics Agency, as a source of accurate and reliable data for society.

As the Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, I reaffirm our unwavering commitment to the Registration of Population process, which is essential for informed decision-making, for the promotion of social justice and sustainable development. The role of all of you in this mission is vital and I appreciate your commitment to accuracy and inclusiveness. So, accuracy and total inclusion are the two things that we put in the focus of this very essential process that awaits us ahead.

My deepest gratitude goes to your dedication and hard work. I want to emphasize that, in this journey, international support and cooperation are the keys to our success, proof of our shared commitment to transparency and accountability.

And, the support and cooperation of the Statistics Agency of Kosovo and the Office of the Prime Minister is so close that those who doubt bear the burden of proof to explain why we left the discussion about registration for Valentine’s Day.

I wish fruitful and constructive discussion. Together, our work today will further strengthen the foundation for a prosperous, safe and equal Kosovo.

Thank you!

Last modified: February 15, 2024

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