Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti received the representatives of HANDIKOS in a meeting

March 1, 2023

Prishtina, 1 March 2023

On the occasion of the International Day of Wheelchair Users, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, hosted the director of HANDIKOS, Mr. Afrim Maliqi and the representatives of this organization.

The Government’s aim is to provide equal opportunities and access for everyone, opportunities for active participation in society, free movement and a dignified life, said Prime Minister Kurti.

The meeting discussed the process of amending the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo, initiated by the Office of the Prime Minister, for the inclusion of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the Constitution, specifically Article 22.

Speaking about the necessary legal changes, it was mentioned the approval of the Administrative Instruction for the designation of the List, types and assistive devices, which are provided free of charge to paraplegic and tetraplegic persons, as well as the drafting process of the Draft Law on Assessment, Recognition of Status, Benefits and Services for Persons with Disabilities.

The implementation of Measure 1.6, Supporting the employment of persons with special needs, was evaluated, through which 239 persons were employed during 2022, of which 119 men and 120 women.

It was emphasized that for the purpose of inclusiveness and equality in education, approximately 100 assistants were hired in schools for children with special needs during 2022, while the Government allocated a budget for 500 assistants for 2023. Also, scholarships were allocated for 13 female students with disabilities.

On the International Day of Wheelchair Users, Prime Minister Kurti has responded to the call of HANDIKOS, for the use of a wheelchair, as a sign of solidarity with disabled people.

In the joint meeting, where Mr. Flamur Bekteshi, board member in HANDIKOS, Mrs. Emira Kuçani and Mrs. Sadete Dubova, member of HANDIKOS, as well as Habit Hajredini, Director of the Office for Good Governance in the Office of the Prime Minister, Prime Minister Kurti expressed gratitude for the cooperation between the Government and organizations for persons with disabilities.

Prime Minister Kurti reconfirmed the commitment of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo in fulfilling all obligations for the protection and implementation of human rights, and in particular of persons with disabilities.


Last modified: March 1, 2023

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