Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti received the ambassador of France, Mrs. Marie Christine Butel, in a farewell meeting

September 20, 2022

Pristina, September 20, 2022

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Mr. Albin Kurti, received in a farewell meeting the ambassador of France in Kosovo, Mrs. Marie Christine Butel.

In this last meeting during her mandate, Prime Minister Kurti thanked Ambassador Butel for her cooperation and engagement in Kosovo over three years, since September 2019. He appreciated her contribution to projects in various fields of France-Kosovo cooperation, as well as for the deepening and expanding bilateral relations. In particular, she emphasized her commitment to advance the agenda of the visa liberalization process for the citizens of the Republic of Kosovo.

In France we see an ally country and the friendly people of the Republic of Kosovo. The values for freedom, democracy, rights and well-being of citizens, which we have learned from France, we want to apply in Kosovo, in our decisions and in the compilation of our government programs, said Prime Minister Kurti. He emphasized that he welcomed France’s active involvement in the dialogue process for the full normalization of relations between the Republic of Kosovo and Serbia, with mutual recognition at the center.

Ambassador Butel praised the democratic maturity in Kosovo, which has brought change to the country. She also appreciated the structural reforms undertaken by the Government. She emphasized that France has a special interest in the Balkans and that it is interested in strengthening ties with Kosovo, as well as improving the image of Kosovo, as a country that knows how to cooperate in inter-university and cultural spheres.

Speaking about her experience in Kosovo, Ambassador Butel emphasized the advancement of bilateral relations between Kosovo and France, emphasizing the agreements in culture and economy. She singled out the agreement for the co-production of films, as well as the wastewater plant project in Pristina, which after many difficulties is now on track.

Expressing gratitude for her contribution to our country, Prime Minister Kurti wished Ambassador Butel success in her next engagements.

Last modified: September 20, 2022

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