Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti pays tribute on the 26th anniversary of Ilir Konushevci’s fall

May 9, 2024

Prishtina, 9 May, 2024

In honor of the life, work, and sacrifice of Commander Ilir Konushevci and Dr. Hazir Mala, this morning the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, paid tribute and laid fresh flowers at the graves of the martyrs in Prishtina.

Remembering Commander Konushevci on the 26th anniversary of his fall, Prime Minister Kurti said that he had a dual burden, because on the one hand he had to follow the leadership of the commander of the KLA, Zahir Pajaziti, and on the other hand he had to bring arms from Albania.

“The guns of freedom carried by the soldiers of the KLA were Ilir’s guns, so his contribution is invaluable because it is undeniable,” said Prime Minister Kurti.

Praising the esteemed figure of the commander, the Prime Minister expressed that Ilir Konushevci was among the most distinguished, calling him a golden name in the modern history of Kosovo, along with Dr. Hazir Mala.

The complete speech of Prime Minister Kurti:

In the 1990s, a lot of self-sacrificing work had to be done for a successful liberation war. The soldiers and officers of the KLA needed supplies, organization, strategy, recruitment, and all these were done by some very special people who made the liberation war and the freedom of Kosovo possible.

Among them, one of the most distinguished is Commander Ilir Konushevci – Mërgimi, who had a dual burden, on the one hand he had to follow the leadership of Zahir Pajaziti, the commander of the Kosovo Liberation Army, who heroically fell in January 1997. On the other hand, he had to bring arms from Albania to Kosovo as often and as much as possible. The guns of freedom carried by the soldiers of the KLA were Ilir’s guns, so his contribution is invaluable because it is undeniable.

Together with Dr. Hazir Mala, Commander Ilir Konushevci is a golden name in the modern history of Kosovo, which is at the foundation of our state and our freedom as a people.
Glory to Ilir Konushevci, Dr. Hazir Mala, and all the martyrs of the nation!


Last modified: May 10, 2024

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