Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti participated today in the graduation ceremony of the 57th generation of Kosovo Police cadets

February 13, 2023

Pristina, February 13, 2023

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, participated today in the graduation ceremony of 433 cadets of the 57th generation of the Kosovo Police.

Prime Minister Kurti expressed his happiness that he was with the police cadets in the celebration of this important achievement in their lives, that of graduation. This moment, according to him, is the culmination of hard work and the result of daily dedication.

For our Government, the protection and security of the country, the establishment of law and order, are a priority, said Prime Minister Kurti, before listing the achievements in the field of security during the past year.

The Kosovo Police, as the prime minister said, remains steadfast in its mission of maintaining order and public safety. “It is in the daily life of the citizens, therefore the change and its advancement are felt and experienced especially by the citizens. We are happy that the Police continues to be ranked among the three most reliable institutions for our citizens”, he declared.

The Prime Minister wished to see each of them at the highest level of office, as the generations before them have done.

Among the 433 cadets who graduated today, there were 56 women, 17 Serbs, 5 Bosniaks, 2 Gorans, 1 Turk and 1 Roma.

Prime Minister Kurti’s full speech:

Honorable President of the Republic of Kosovo, Mrs. Vjosa Osmani – Sadriu
Honorable Minister of Internal Affairs, Mr. Xhelal Sveçla,
Honorable Acting General Director of the Kosovo Police, Mr. Fehmi Hoti,
Your Excellencies Ambassadors,
Honorable cadets,

I am happy to be with you today in celebrating this important achievement in your life, graduation. This moment is the culmination of hard work and the result of daily dedication. So, congratulations to everyone, each and every one of you!

Honorable attendees,
Honorable cadet families,
Ladies and gentleman,

I am doubly happy that we are here today, on the eve of the celebration of the 15th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kosovo, and we are adding and strengthening the ranks of the Police of our state. Like our country, our Police has also gone through different stages. We are all proud that today it protects the life and property of all our citizens without distinction and with dedication applies legality throughout the territory of the Republic.

For our Government, the protection and security of the country, the establishment of law and order are a priority. In the past year alone:

– 854 police operations against organized crime and smuggling were carried out;
– 3202 people were arrested, 301 of them public officials;
– We closed 16 illegal roads in the north of the country;
– We destroyed 69 criminal groups;
-Over 14 million euros have been frozen under the suspicion of misuse and money laundering;
– More than 1.8 tons of narcotic substances were confiscated, in which case five drug laboratories in the north of Kosovo were destroyed, worth hundreds of millions in substances and equipment, as well as three laboratories for the production of cryptocurrencies, also in the north. Meanwhile, yesterday, the Kosovo police destroyed three drug laboratories there.

In 2022, we built four facilities and police stations in the north of Kosovo, as well as extending the optical network in that part of our country, enabling the extension of telephone waves, the Internet network and radio communication.

We created the Rapid Border Intervention Team, within the Kosovo Police, which engages in the fight against smuggling, human trafficking and other abuses along the border line.

The Kosovo Police remains steadfast in its mission of maintaining order and public safety. It is in the daily life of the citizens, therefore the change and its advancement are felt and experienced especially by the citizens. We are happy that the Police continues to be ranked among the three most reliable institutions for our citizens.
Your colleagues, the police officers, especially in the last two years, with their commitment have shown that they do not compromise with gangs and crime. They were attacked, they were wounded, but they did not surrender. Despite this, they are still there, standing at the top of the task.

Honorable graduating cadets,

Today you swear that you will serve the country with professionalism, responsibility and honesty. That you will protect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Kosovo. That you will work in the interest of all citizens regardless of ethnicity, gender or religion.
After a successful challenge of almost eight months, you will start a new stage of your life from today. From here, on your graduation day, I urge you to stay true to your oath and to our country.

Our country enjoys freedom thanks to the sacrifice of many generations, who fought and sacrificed for it. That they worked and contributed to it. On this day, and every time, we honor the memory of all of them. We also remember your colleagues, who did not give up in the face of anything, implementing the common mission. Their fall in support of our state sovereignty and respect for territorial integrity, and against crime and illegality, remains an example of unconditional love for our Republic for each of us.

Honorable cadets,
Honorable cadets,

I wish to see each and every one of you at the highest level of office, as the generations before you have done. And like them, I believe that you too will be an example of the generations that will come after, acting with high professionalism and standing with great courage. Your commitment is our security. Institutions will have your greatest support, without reserve or saving.

We are convinced that from today, in our Republic, we will have a prepared, dedicated and honest generation in charge.

I wish you all much success!
I hope you make us proud!

Thank you!


Last modified: February 14, 2023

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