Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti participated in the laying of the foundation stone of the Residential Center for the elderly in the Municipality of Podujeva

January 26, 2024

Podujeva, 26 January, 2024

Following the activities he carried out today, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, participated in the laying of the cornerstone of the Residential Center project for the elderly. There he was accompanied by the Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports, Hajrulla Çeku, together with the Mayor of Podujeva, Shpejtim Bulliqi and the humanist, Halil Kastrati.

With an area of about 2700 square meters, this Residential Center for the elderly will have the hostel, park, physiotherapy, but also the primary health care they need.

Prime Minister Kurti said that this center will help the elderly to have suitable spaces for their stay, and that this center will be modern in every aspect, with very good conditions for those elderly who will enjoy their old age here.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the Association “Orphans of the Balkans”, Halil Kastrati, said that this project comes after a genuine cooperation between “Orphans of the Balkans” and the Municipality of Podujeva, thanking Prime Minister Kurti, Mayor Bulliqi and all the participants.

On the other hand, the Mayor of the Municipality of Podujeva, Shpejtim Bulliqi, said that with this project the time has come to think about the category of the elderly, who through this center, about 100 of them per day, will have the opportunity to receive services until he promised that we will be close to all those projects which we consider important for our citizens.

Present at this event, along with Prime Minister Kurti, were the Mayor of Theranda Municipality, Bali Muharremi, MPs, and other important personalities.

About 530 thousand euros have been allocated by the municipality for the implementation of this center, as well as two million euros have been allocated by the “Balkan Orphans” Association.

Prime Minister Kurti’s complete statement:

We are here together with the mayor of the Municipality of Podujeva, Shpejtim Bulliqi and the prominent social activist Halil Kastrati, to lay the foundation stone of the Residential Center for the elderly, which will have an area of about 2700 square meters, with a cost of 530 thousand euros investment from the state, from the municipality, while the investment of the Organization “Orphans of the Balkans” is 2 million euros.

This Residential Center for the elderly will have the hospice, it will have the park, it will have physiotherapy, but it will also have primary health care, it will also have the hospice, so it will be modern in every aspect with very good conditions for those seniors who will enjoy their old age here.

On this occasion, I thank Mr. Halil Kastrati, I thank the Municipality of Podujeva and I thank all these activists and personalities who are here with us at this inauguration.

Today the mayor of Theranda Municipality, Bali Muharremi, is also Kadri Balaj, we have commander Remi, Rrustem Mustafa and we have Deputies Floretë Zejnullahu and Vendenis Lahu, I thank them all for being part of this event together with the workers inauguration, of this inauguration for this Residential Center for the elderly.

We must take care of all layers of the population, we must take care of all ages in our country, and I would say that just as we take care of children, we should also take care of the elderly because they have contributed a lot to our country and deserve a dignified old age. .

Thank you Halil,

Thank you Shpejtim.

Last modified: January 29, 2024

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