Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti participated in the laying of the foundation stone of the door and window manufacturing factory in Verbica of Kmetoc

February 19, 2024

Gjilan, February 19, 2024

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, together with the Mayor of Gjilan, Alban Hyseni, accompanied by members of the Assembly, participated in the laying of the foundation stone of the door and window manufacturing factory in Verbica of Kmetoc, in the Municipality of Gjilan, “EDI Fenster”.

On this occasion, the Prime Minister expressed his great pleasure to be there with the investor Arsim Hashani, who is returning to his homeland after 22 years to invest in a factory that will produce doors, windows, and shutters.
“It is an example of a fellow countryman who at the age of 14 goes into exile and after 22 years returns to his birthplace with three children and as an investor who will initially have 50 and later 150 workers in this factory,” said the Prime Minister.

From the Prime Minister’s viewpoint, he assured that this factory will have the support of institutions because the more the country’s economy develops, the higher the employment, exports, contribution to the budget, and reduction of social support that the state needs to provide to its citizens.

“Therefore, such investments increase our hope and boost our enthusiasm for good and better work in the future, so congratulations Mr. Arsim, congratulations Mayor Alban, Arjeta, Atdhe and all of you,” said Prime Minister Kurti.

The factory, divided into four sectors, will produce doors, windows, blinds, and process glass material. Investments in this factory, including logistics, are expected to reach a value of up to 10 million euros, while 95% of the planned production is intended for the foreign market.

Prime Minister Kurti’s full speech:

It’s a great pleasure to be here with investor Arsim Hashani, who is returning to his hometown after 22 years to invest in a factory that will produce doors, windows, and shutters. The name of the company is ‘Edi Fenster’, and it will initially employ 50 workers and potentially expand to 150 workers.
95% of the production will be for export, and as explained by the architect, there will be good working conditions because there will also be zenithal lighting. Not only sideways but also from the peak, overhead.

It is an example of a fellow countryman who at the age of 14 goes into exile and after 22 years returns to his birthplace with three children and as an investor who will initially have 50 and later 150 workers in this factory for which I wish him great success and of course he will have the support of our institutions. Because the more the country’s economy develops, the higher the employment, exports, contribution to the budget, and the reduction of social support that the state needs to provide to its citizens. Aiming for more employment, therefore such investments increase our hope and enhance our enthusiasm for good and better work in the future so I congratulate you Mr. Arsim, congratulations Mayor Alban, Arjeta, Atdhe and all of you.


Last modified: February 21, 2024

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