Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti participated in the event organized on the occasion of the “Day of Democracy and National Unity” of Turkey

July 15, 2024

Prishtina, 15 July, 2024

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, participated in the event organized by the Turkish embassy in our country, on the occasion of the “Day of Democracy and National Unity” of Turkey.

In his speech, Prime Minister Kurti commemorated the martyrs of democracy who 8 years ago, on July 15, 2016, saved the democratic institutions of the state of Turkey elected by the Turkish people, from a failed coup attempt.

“At midnight between July 15 and 16, 2016, the people of Kosovo were with the people of Turkey, because we are two friendly peoples, our countries are partners and allies, and our countries share a lot in common both from the historical past and from the present of our democracies and the intended prosperous future.” said Prime Minister Kurti.

He underlined the close relations with Turkey, both in terms of Turkey’s role in NATO during the war in Kosovo and the contribution of Turkish soldiers within the framework of KFOR troops for security and peace in Kosovo, as well as in terms of the ties between exchanges between us.

Further, the prime minister spoke about the visits to Turkey and meetings with President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the organization of the first Kosovo-Turkey economic forum as our trade exchanges are expected to exceed 1 billion euros, the visit to the defense industry and aviation company “Baykar”. , from where we bought Bajraktar TB-2 combat aircraft and drones for our army and the historical and current contribution of the Albanian diaspora in Turkey.

“It is all these common interests and values ​​that keep us connected and in friendly relations between our two countries. By standing by and helping each other, we protect our republics and shared democratic values.” he finished his speech.

Prime Minister Kurti’s complete speech:

Your Excellency Ambassador, Mr. Sabri Tunç Angılı, Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey to the Republic of Kosovo,

Honorable General Özkan Ulutaş, Commander of KFOR in Kosovo,

Dear Deputy Prime Minister, Emilija Rexhepi,

Dear Ministers Fikrim Damka and Xelal Sveçla, of Regional Development and of Internal Affairs,

Dear members of the Assembly of the Republic, deputy ministers, representatives and leaders of local institutions,

Dear ambassadors and other representatives of friendly countries in the Republic of Kosovo,

Dear mayors and dear mutual friends of Kosovo and Turkey,

Dear attendees,

Ladies and gentlemen, sisters and brothers,

We are here today to remember the martyrs of democracy who, 8 years ago, on July 15, 2016, saved the democratic institutions of the state of Turkey, elected by the Turkish people, from a failed coup attempt.

At midnight between July 15 and 16, 2016, the people of Kosovo were with the people of Turkey, because we are two friendly peoples, our countries are partners and allies, and our countries share a lot in common both from the historical past and the present. our democracies and the intended prosperous future.

His Excellency the Ambassador, Mr. Sabri Tunç Angılı, allow me to express to you all my respect and that of my country for the martyrs of July 15 and through you their families, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and all the Turkish people.

Our people and the state of Kosovo remain two friendly peoples and two partner states and allies with the Turkish people and the state of Turkey. Kosovo never forgets Turkey’s role in NATO during the war in Kosovo and the contribution of Turkish soldiers within the KFOR troops who on a daily basis contribute to security and peace in Kosovo.

The ties between our two countries are also reflected by the intensity of exchanges between us. Last year and this year, I held two meetings with President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the first in Istanbul and the second in Ankara, during which we discussed the deepening of relations between Kosovo and Turkey in many areas. Meanwhile, many ministers of my government have received and have received visits with their counterparts from the Turkish government.

Just a month and a half ago, we organized the first Kosovo-Turkey economic forum in Istanbul, as our trade exchanges are expected to exceed 1 billion euros. On that occasion, I met and made contact with many Turkish and Albanian entrepreneurs and producers in Turkey.

Those days, during my penultimate visit to Turkey, I was welcomed to the defense and aviation industry company “Baykar”, from where we have purchased Bajraktar TB-2 drones for our army. I also laid a wreath at the mausoleum of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the great Turkish statesman and patriot and the founding statesman of the modern Republic of Turkey.

Turkey hosts the numerically largest Albanian diaspora community in the world. I have met them both in the district of Zejtinburnu in Istanbul and in Izmir, where even the municipality of Foça has a woman of Albanian origin, Saniye Bora Fıçı, as its mayor.

Ten days ago, I was again in Turkey for the second time in less than two months, where in meetings with the Governor of Izmir, Süleyman Elban and the Mayor of the Metropolitan Municipality of Izmir, Dr. Cemil Tugay, we talked about finding and using opportunities for cooperation in the economy, education and culture.

It is all these common interests and values ​​that keep our two countries connected and in friendly relations. By standing by and helping each other, we protect our republics and common democratic values.

Glory to the martyrs of July 15 who fell for Turkey’s democracy.

May the friendship, partnership and alliance between Kosovo and Turkey, between Turkey and Kosovo, between our democratic republics and our freedom-loving peoples be permanent!

Thank you.


Last modified: July 24, 2024

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