Zyra e Kryeministrit

Prime Minister Kurti paid tribute in Old Çikatova of Drenica

April 17, 2024

Çhikatovo, April 17, 2024

On the 25th anniversary of the massacre in the Old Çikatova of Drenica, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, has commemorated the 25 unarmed Albanian civilians killed by the armed forces of Serbia on April 17, 1999.

After holding a minute of silence in honor of those killed, Prime Minister Kurti said that the memory of the great sacrifice for freedom is eternal.

He paid tribute at the cemetery of the victims of the Çikatova massacre, whose bodies, Serbian forces in an attempt to cover the traces of the crimes, took and sent to the mass cemetery in Rudnica, Raska, Serbia.

Prime Minister Kurti reiterated the request to open the archives of the 37th Motorized Brigade of the Yugoslav Army, the main responsible for hiding the bodies in the mass cemetery in Rudnica, as well as for many massacres in the Drenica region and for the fate of many missing persons after massacres committed in these villages.

In these tributes, Prime Minister Kurti was accompanied by the Minister of Defense, Ejup Macedonci, the Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports, Hajrulla Çeku, the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Bardhyl Dobra, as well as members of the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo.

Last modified: April 18, 2024

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